Anybody else think this would be a great and challenging addition to this game? Alot of it (especially the campaign & strikes) seems a bit spoon fed. I think it would be awesome to kill massive amounts of enemies and have a boss battle every 5 or 10 waves. And maybe the higher and more difficult waves come with higher chances to get more loot/ engrams. It would be completely team oriented you would need a bit of everything from each character. Except the hunter of course unless you're running orpheus rigs in which case you'd be a necessity. If you hate the idea you don't have to play it but I think there is alot of people who would enjoy this kind of addition to the game. And I wouldn't want this sugar coated make it get difficult as hell. 30 sec respawning & team wipe game over if you all die. Maybe slightly fewer heavy ammo drops as it goes on so you really have to save them for the boss fights. Bosses drop loot chests to keep you fighting. I think it would be amazing so maybe we should nag bungie about this since this idea is really getting trumped by all the other things everyones bickering about.
Lol horde mode you mean firefight. This is a bungie game. Bungie made the greatest game mode ever made and for some reason have done nothing like it in destiny. Such a foolish mistake