Just got Destiny 2 three days ago. I've managed to play up to the point where you have to defend the tower. Every single time I've gotten there, it has crashed out with either an error that the game data is corrupted and needs to be deleted/reinstalled, or it crashes out with error CE-34878-0.
When it crashes with error CE-34878-0, the game requires verifying content when reloaded. It never completes. It always crashes out with the same error code before reaching 100%. I've deleted Destiny 2, reinstalled it, and the problem persists. I've tried disabling DHCP, but this does nothing for the frequency of the issue. I've tried rebuilding my database as well, but this also has not resolved any issues.
What really frustrates me about this is that I had very similar crashing problems on Destiny 1. I had a physical copy of the game then and it would crash every 20-30 minutes or so with the same CE-34878-0 error code. I was convinced that the problem was with the physical copy of the game and the CD. Sony said that it might have been a repair issue if I wanted to pay (almost as much as getting a new PS4) for a repair... so I didn't bother sending it in. It was only with Destiny anyway. I just stopped playing Destiny 1 because of how frustrating it was to deal with the crashes. Instead, I waited and just bought Destiny 2 completely digital so that I didn't have to worry about a disc at all.
After all that, Crashes. The game is entirely unplayable beyond the first 3-4 minutes of the tutorial game. I cannot even complete the starting defend the tower. The game crashes and requires a reinstall. Bungie... I don't know why I gave you my money... I just want a playable game.
honestly this forum seems to be a dead end regarding this... try different available channels, including Sony/Playstation support. tweet about it @AskPlayStation @BungieHelp put it on Facebook example: https://twitter.com/f0ssi/status/917362950259859456