Looking for a casual group of other gamer girls or moms that, like me, don't have time for super serious play and need a group that understands that even though it's [i]waaaay[/i] past bed time I may have to drop everything because [i]someone[/i] is going to die of thirst if I don't go get them a glass of water that they could easily get themselves. A group that understands that "whoa! You're a girl!? You got kik?" is the last thing I want to hear during a co-op mission. As well as a group that understands that I might not get online until after 11pm because, holy shit, there's laundry and dishes and homework and I haven't been able to get a shower in [i]four days[/i] because I wanted privacy.
Just now started playing the game and would love to join up with others without the worry of teaming up with not so great people.
[quote] I haven't been able to get a shower in [i]four days[/i] because I wanted privacy. [/quote] Please shower everyday ... it should be your top priority