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10/11/2017 11:16:19 AM
You simply consumed most of the available content way too quickly. You are comparing a game that has had 4 dlc's and countless updates with a "vanilla" experience. Sure they should know what they are doing, but in my opinion they do. They rebooted Destiny in a way it will cater to a way wider audience in the long run. Vanilla D1 had pretty much nothing... Right now D2 has maybe 60-100 hours of solid content, treat it as such. Hardcore players, such as yourself, are a minority. As for pvp. Having OP gear in a competitive game is never good. Sure for a hardcore player spending hours every day grinding it would be rewarding to have this gun that just one-shots everybody (just making a point). But this would alienate all the casuals. Black Desert is a prime example of this. End game pvp is simply unplayable for any casual player because you stand zero chance against a higher geard player (who spent 10x more time on the game). So in the end as a company would you rather cater to 85% of your playerbase or to the other 15%.. P.S.; I'm quite sure that d2 will be all you wish it to be in about 3 years time ;-)

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  • [quote]As for pvp. Having OP gear in a competitive game is never good. Sure for a hardcore player spending hours every day grinding it would be rewarding to have this gun that just one-shots everybody (just making a point). But this would alienate all the casuals. Black Desert is a prime example of this. End game pvp is simply unplayable for any casual player because you stand zero chance against a higher geard player (who spent 10x more time on the game).[/quote] It's hard to compete with people who grind their hearts out in D1. It was just the Division dark zone with the sticky bomb and gear level. I agree people should be rewarded an advantage for putting time into the game. Just don't give the advantage in PvP.

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  • Guys i found the mass effect andromeda fan!!

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  • Edited by JupiterTron: 10/11/2017 6:31:25 PM
    You must be a Bungie PR rep because that response was beyond candy coated. This OP’s thread is spot on, literally. The irony is that I too jumped on D1 as well last night, and wow...amazing. I, like many of us, am a D1 beta player... I’ve hit every raid more than I can count, played the title on both PlayStation and Xbox One, flawless trials player no carry, etc...point is, I put the time in from the get go... I could NOT put D1 down during its entire run...waiting for an amazing exotic or a god rolled legendary was like sitting at the tables in Vegas. D2... my copy of D2 is back at GameStop... The Division was better than D2, so no, it’s not gonna get any better.

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  • [quote]You are comparing a game that has had 4 dlc's and countless updates with a "vanilla" experience.[/quote] Just play one game of crucible in D1 and then D2. If that doesn't illustrate the differences, nothing will. And, those differences don't have anything to do with DLC or updates.

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  • "You played the content too quickly" Taking breaks and pacing yourself only delays the inevitable head on collision with d2s "endgame"

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  • I know, this argument blows my mind! Buy a game but play it as little as possible so it's fun. To be honest I have played it as suggested because I am bored to death of it, not even maxed out 1 character because there is no need to be max lvl, and I cannot see the point of chasing a number smh. I hit up d1 control yesterday,after playing about 4 iron banner matches and not being able to face more boredom, I had a blast. I think that says it all for d2 the fun was nerfed in the name of balance.

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  • If I buy a game it's to play not put it on a shelf in hopes that maybe just maybe it might get better. Oh and by the way I'm not a hardcore gamer. Bungie did not deliver what they said they would deliver pure and simple. Huge fail period.

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  • You are totally correct imo. I knew after day 1 of release that I would not be playing this much, it's a real let down.

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  • When will you guys get over this trope? This should have been sold as a linear co-op -blam!-ing game then. No, it's spun as this always online "shared world shooter" that includeds RPG elements (like in D1). People are pissed that once you hit 270 its a -blam!-ing token game for everything you do. There's no longevity to the game anymore. Pvp sucks No random rolls No reputation exotics No hidden exotic wuests lines No strike soecific loot Broken shit Etc Etc Etc The game is shit and people are pissed. Deal with it and quit spewing "you played it too fast" bullshit. No -blam!-ing game claiming what Destiny does ... does this shit. Thats the problem

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  • Well put. Your intelligence was refreshing, thank you.

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  • You completely missed the point man

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  • Edited by WeeBitRusty: 10/11/2017 4:59:55 PM
    Yes, they did cater to the majority of casual players but at the same time casuals are not the player base that stays with the game for 3 years... As soon as the new cod, battlefront, or red dead redemption comes out casuals will leave. Then your left with what use to be your hardcore loyal player base that doesn't want to play your game.

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  • They don't need you to stay for 3 years. If making a whole new game as a reboot is there buisness plan then they only need you to buy the game and all the dlc ( thats why they sell it to you early, in hopes that even if you have long abandoned the game you already payed for the content they are just now giving you). Maybe spend a few bucks on a sexy new rifle skin. Then do it again when they make a new game. Like COD does every 12 months. The player, even the hard core ones will eventually drop the game for the latest and greatest because they want to stay on top and relevant.

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  • "You rushed through the content" is not a valid excuse for this game. It's an online/multiplayer/shoot to loot game Games like this are meant to be no lifed and still have things to do. You should not be able to reach a point where you look at it and find there's nothing to do, well maybe at some point if you REALLY no life it, but the majority of the hardcore player base shouldn't be reaching this point a month into the game.

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  • There was still more to do at the end of d1 just because of random gear / gun rolls.

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  • And at the time, everything wasn't a reskin.

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  • Relax people. We're all just being Punk'd (yes people still say that) by Bungie. This extremely vanilla, not even vanilla, vanilla extract, D2 experience was all done on purpose. They took this game to the point of vanilla extractedness (yes that's a word, cuz I typed it) in order draw the "casuals" into the labyrinth of Destiny. Once the hook is in their collective mouths they'll set it with a cornucopia of content the likes of which the gaming world has never seen! There will be all of the D1 content, along with the D2 content, plus a little D3 content sprinkled in all Nusret Gökçe style for good measure. #SaltBae There will be 31 new planets/moons to explore in various galaxies including a raid on a Halo thanks to a surprise collaboration between Bungie, 343 & Microsoft! Master Chief will make a special appearance at The Tower where he and Zavala will hold a charity arm wresting event 'Over the Top' style to raise money for children orphaned in the Ghaul attack. There will be a love triangle side story involving Failsafe, Cortana, and ghost that will turn very ugly and lead to a spinoff mobile app device game in the vein of Angry Birds meets Words with Friends. There will be machine guns and Gjallarhorns and Suri (plural of Suros, little known fact) and even a Needler or two. There will be actual farming AT The Farm. Think Harvest Moon. There will be tons of replayability and fun... so much so that people will forget the meaning of the word salt in terms of forum posts #OnHere. So everybody calm down, take a deep breath, do some virtual yoga and namaste out a bit. Bungie's got this whole thing under control. They've had it all in the works from the beginning, like George Lucas.................. They are so in command of this whole shebang I hear every guardian even gets his/her own shark with frickin lasers on their frickin heads. That's how frickin evil the frickin genius of these frickin guys frickin is!

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  • My thoughts exactly! 😂

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  • Edited by foreverrich602: 10/11/2017 3:32:13 PM
    Sorry bro but you can’t tell someone how long they should play a game that gave an impression it was a grind and shine game. In any case you shouldn’t tell someone that. They bought it.

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  • 6
    That PvP comparison was horrible. PvP in D1 was never unbalanced like that. Having a god roll weapon didn't make you unbeatable. It just gave you a slight edge. The only case which the edge was a little too high was with shotguns but even then out playing your opponent would still lead to winning that ecounter more times than not. Everybody just liked to blame every lost gunfight on a god roll weapon so they didn't have to admit to themselves that they got outplayed.

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  • Yup

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  • We consumed the game's content within 30 hours? Get the -blam!- out of here. No one was expecting Bungie to make such a retarded step backwards in terms of eliminating the grind, it wasn't a selling point for Destiny 2, so excuse us for having 3 years of behavioral learning ingrained into our brains from Destiny 1. Just admit that Bungie blew their load mostly on cinematic scenes and cost their development team the funds to actually polish and stretch out the game.

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  • Hard not to get through everything when one can get to 250 easy in 24 hours total(I did not say 24 hours straight, I said total, so one could put in 2 hours a day and be through most of the game in two weeks time, furthermore it's hard not to see people take a day off for launch and just binge play it, that's what makes games great, especially if it's a franchise you want to enjoy or do enjoy). Furthermore the game is meant to be a "sequel" which in turn means expectations are to see things from the first also get incorporated into D2. Why are we back to bland patrol with public events? What happened to events like court of oryx? The forge? The dark blades? Why are we no longer able to replay the story (unless you want to delete a character)? Choose individual pvp modes (in a time where the population WILL be at its highest)? The list could go on and on. I'm sure they will bring some of this stuff back, but I won't be around to pay another 60$ for it when it's supposed to be a "sequel".

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  • Destiny is NOT a competitive game.

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  • If by competitive you mean Pro Gaming competitive, then yeah you're right. On the flip side, within the community Destiny 1 was extremely competitive, both in PvE and PvP. Granted your opinion was about as empty and half-assed as this game was, so no one's going to understand what the fk you meant.

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