Eight years ago today I completed my first real endeavor to B.net by stepping off of the Recon Train and into the forums. I’ve seen many events unfold here; the failed campaign of the Reach forum to try and pick shit with the Flood, the downfall of the New New Hotness, Achronos’ nuking of b.old, and the mass exodus of b.new. Beloved members have come and gone, but aren’t forgotten. The likes of [i]A 3 Legged Goat[/i] and [i]Officer Nasty[/i] will always live on in memory.
This site is but a hollow shell of its former self, but I’ll probably still be around to see a decade.
Always remember: [i]”Stosh’s Mom is a very classy lady.”[/i]
Edited by Mr Underhill: 10/11/2017 12:34:37 PM#RememberBungie.old Remember people saying their accounts were 10 years old back in 2010 when I joined. Wonder if any are still lurking now, their accounts would be ancient. Wish we still had title bars, I think I'd be mythic by now.