Post any and all things related to Digimon here.
What is you favorite Digimon line? My favorite happens to be the Veemon line.
bUt DigiMoN is A cLOnE oF pOkEmOn [spoiler]Sarcasm, I've never seen either of their shows or played any games they have. I'm actually not sure why I'm in this thread to be honest.[/spoiler]
Blue eyes white dragon is my favorite digimon
If anyone hasn't done so yet, you guys should try out Digimon Links on your mobile device.
I enjoy the nice “art” of Renamon, if you know what I mean ( ͡● ͜ʖ ͡●)
I’ve been a fanatic of Digimon for many years getting heavily involved with the anime series and games. My big gripe at the moment though is Tri simply cause the way Toei has completely excluded the 02 cast is in itself inexcusable. It’s been two+ years since we’ve learned their missing and it’ll be three total at the very earliest we might get proper resolution. I say might only because there’s no guarantee at all we will even see them. Plus the way the writing of Tri completely ignores them is just a slap in the face. Be it not mentioning Daisuke, Miyako or Iori by name or everyone cheering Imperialdramon’s death while not questioning if he was their ally simply being infected. I just can’t take it anymore.
Hmm, think I'll go with veemon too.
Beelzemon was my favorite (so damn edgy). Season 3 was also my favorite season in general, I think.
Stopped playing digimon games after Digimon World 3. Pretty decent game with acceptable art and decent fight mechanics. My favorite digimon evolution line would be the lopmon through Cherubimon. Such an awesome design for a mega.
Well what's the best Digimon game? I bought the Cyber sleuth and it's pretty much pathetic. Almost every Digimon is essentially the same, there's not much grind to get really good ones as they all have the same stats for the most part.