Loot Improvement Suggestions (CREATIVE LOOT FIXES For Bored D1 Players)
What if certain activities such as the raid or trials allowed random rolls but they were very PVE oriented or very PVP oriented options. PVP obviously carefully sculpted. That way you can use them in both still, but one might allow the fun and power fantasy we crave in PVE while not destroying PVP. And the way to get "Mods" to change these weapons were from completing trials or the Raid or END CONENT Material. Provides Drive to do end content. Provides randomness and Grind for loot, and allows us to have more fun weapons. Limits the gear Bungie has to get migraines over balancing. Add the possibility of the Mods coming to those "filthy casuals" in the clan packages for those activities so they don't cry so much about not having time to grind for loot in a looter shooter. Do the same for Armor. Get Creative Bungie.
Looking for more creative suggestions below
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