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10/12/2017 10:45:13 AM
No one really can explain how a "4vs4" or random crucible match type plays anything into a "balanced game". 4players for a team on Crucible increase chances of inbalance (easier to get a clan of 4 ppl than 6), random play reinforces that full fireteams have a better success rate in fireteam kills. Likewise I don't see how the "set perks" were ever complained about as it was always about some perks available to some Legendaries. People could complain about shotguns and their perks but you're kind of in the same place with all the hard cores relying on Antiope D with it's range and time to kill giving it an edge over tons of weapons. At least in Destiny 1 you had counters to Feltwinter and more variety in exotic weapon usage but not we're all back using to several weapons only. No concrete numbers but I'm sure tons of ppl using just MIDA, Antiope, Uriels, Origin, Minimum Distance. That's worse than D1 with ppl relying on Thorn, MIDA, TLR, Hawkmoon, Lord of Wolves, Shadow Price, Suros Regime..oh wait this list is already longer =| See what I mean? D2 wasn't made with an ideal of "balancing" or taking those issues into account but rather it seems like it fit in with their whole thing of wanting primary weapons being a bigger factor in the game while getting rid of shotguns and snipers as much as possible.

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