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Edited by Willy Bum Bum: 10/15/2017 12:34:23 AM

Those of you who supported trump, and now don't, please chime in...

Let's not make this an average, overly salty political post. Just talk about why we maybe don't support the trump presidency as much as before. I for one voted for him more or less because I simply wanted to vote, and liked the fact that trump seemed anti establishment. I mean, he really pissed the old party hacks off big time. However, I've come to feel that his rhetoric and constant Twitter rants are un presidential and over the top. And his whole narrative of "make america great again" has devolved imto dismantling what Obama did, cuz, you know, Mr O was bad. Trump is in a position to enact positive, beneficial change of his own, instead he chooses to dwell on the acts of his predecessor. At least, that's my perception of what is going on. That and he seems determined to start WWIII. What are your thoughts on the matter? What has made you less enthusiastic about Big Orange?

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  • No regrets voting for him....just wish he would stay off Twitter.

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    16 Replies
    • Edited by besetbyflames: 10/18/2017 1:34:14 AM
      I think it's funny honestly- I'm neither for, nor against the Troompa Loompa. But- if people gave a shit then they should of tried harder to not get him elected. I personally didn't like any candidate and the whole greater evil statement was lost on me. Primarily because if everyone thought they were so bad there is literally a procedure you can go through to call the election a wash and start over with new candidates. Everything he's done, said, tweeted and shown was eluded at before he was even elected. Anybody who voted for him knew where he stood on most matters. So how is it that you've lost faith in him? Could it be that against your better judgement you voted blindly? I assume so. Ignorantly setting yourselves up for dissapointment by grossly misjudging the candidate you believed in. I think he's had his successes, but also many failures. [b][u]Just as every other president had.[/u][/b] I will never pretend to be a professional politician and know the ins, outs and inner workings. However, I have a better understanding than 90% of my peers. To anybody complaining about Trump: You let it happen. To anybody for Trump: You got your wish, stop acting so smug. To anybody who has changed their mind: Suck it up, you wanted it to happen and it has. Before you bash me, know that I honestly don't care that he's president. It's pretty entertaining to watch him fumble his way through this.

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      3 Replies
      • I don't really see how your view of him can change unless you've changed yourself in some fashion. Pretty much everything he has done is completely in line with how he portrayed himself during the election.

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      • Out of curiosity, what has he done that has made you regret your vote?

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        1 Reply
        • I can totally see why people don't like him any more. What I can't see was why people ever thought he'd be suitable in the first place.

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          23 Replies
          • Edited by Samantha: 10/16/2017 8:12:24 AM
            Trump won the election by polarizing the nation, so is it not a surprise that we're as divided as we were during the Civil War era? Plus, Hillary wasn't exactly getting good press at the time and Trump represented a change in pace from the career politicians that usually inhabit the White House. (not sure that big business is any better but whatever) However, it's not like most of this wasn't available info at the beginning. No, we couldn't have foreseen Trump doing everything possible to escalate tensions with NK, but pretty much everything else was to be expected. He's a loose cannon -- he gave plenty of indication of that before assuming the presidency. He's a loud-mouthed bigot -- once again, not something he wasn't showing before. His failure in diplomatic affairs correspond well to his pre-presidency campaign behavior. Shouldn't surprise you that the United States was one of the only nations to vote against the death penalty for homosexuality, or that Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement for no reason. Shouldn't be a surprise that Trump is reversing all Obama-era policies for no other reason than the fact that they have lib cooties on them. I mean, hell, Caitlyn Jenner got swooned by this guy and is watching the man she voted in steadily working to take away her human rights. Here's hoping that America isn't stupid enough to make the same mistake twice. I'd hope for him to get impeached when the Democrats likely take over congress in the midterms (ah, I love partisanship), but I absolutely don't want Mike Pence to take control. How screwed we are.

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            14 Replies
            • Edited by Mad Max: 10/15/2017 6:26:59 PM
              I have a hard time feeling bad for the people who are waking up to Trump's ridiculousness, but I'm glad it's happening. Look at Caitlyn Jenner: Avid Trump supporter now turned opponent. Like, what did you think he was going to do for LGBT issues? He held a flag once - that's it. The Republican platform is reliably anti-LGBT, so why would she think a Republican would do something good for LGBTs? It's not that these people changed their minds, it's that they didn't pay attention in the first place.

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              12 Replies
              • WW3? China wont give a shit if NK is invaded. US/Russia is still idle playing that stupid game from the 50's. Europe is up its ass with immigrants. Canada doesnt have a military anymore, also up its ass with immigrants. Mexico, Australia and South America are non-factors. Everybody hates ISIS. I dont see where this WW3 is going to come out of...

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              • Edited by Catty_Wampus22: 10/17/2017 6:41:09 AM
                I never supported him (or Hillary) but what I want to know is since he's making such a big thing about some athletes kneeling during the anthem and how disrespectful it is to our troops........when is he going to put forth something that benefits the troops he pretends to care about??

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              • I voted for Trump and still support him. It's hilarious reading posts/listening to people bash Trump, then complain about Trump being a "bully." It's hilarious watching people who didn't even know the United States had three branches of government, all of the sudden become political experts that hang on every single word Trump tweets/says. It's hilarious to watch Democrats lose election, after election, then turn right around and literally make fun of the very people that didn't vote for them. I'm happy with my vote.

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                5 Replies
                • #MAGA

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                  1 Reply
                  • I was really hoping he would chill with the Twitter fingers once becoming President. If he shut his damn mouth once in a while, I doubt he'd be getting as much flak as he does.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Edited by Flee: 10/16/2017 5:53:45 PM
                      These kinds of comments, both online and from people I know, do nothing but baffle me. Like, how? Trump hasn't change one bit. He's been an ignorant bully from the very start. His rants are nothing new. Neither is his narcissism, his self-indulgence, his constant lying and flip-flopping, his completely unprofessional / childish / unpresidential behavior, his narrative (in case you didn't notice - randomly dismantling anything Obama did was part of his campaign platform from day 1), his taking offense to the smallest slights, and his war-happy attitude against others. The sheep in the picture I linked, that's you. I'm glad you came around, but I can't understand how you could think differently. Trump is exactly what he sold. A grandstanding, incompetent, thin-skinned bully. He never came across as professional, capable and intelligent only to then suddenly do a 180. This is what you voted for. And all because "he says it like it is" and because he "pissed off the establishment" which obviously was enough of a reason for you to dive right in, probably without even having the slightest clue of how "the establishment" works. I commend you for being able to change your position on something like this, but I cannot for the life of me understand why you did this in the first place. You got exactly what you voted for. It was never a secret and Trump acted like this from the very start and well before the elections even began.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Why would you say he is determined to start world war three when he isn't the one aggressing or breaking rules?!

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                      • I never supported him but I was interested in him. I voted Johnson because both lead candidates were shit

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                      • Nothing's changed for me because I never gave a -blam!- to begin with.

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                        18 Replies
                        • I still support him as he's been a very active president, he wants to get things done and he's trying his hardest to do so.

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                        • I just seems like presidents lately have forgotten that they are the voice of the people in government. What they do is not their choice it's the people's choice.

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                          5 Replies
                          • How is the recent executive order on subsidies bad? It was just a guaranteed way for the insurance companies to make money. People are focused on the wrong thing. Instead of worrying about having the government subsidies to offset the high costs; they should be focused on why the cost is high to begin with. People are complaining about the rise in premiums that will come from this. Even though premiums in some states are experiencing rate hikes of 100%+ a year.

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                            9 Replies
                            • It surprises me that people elected him because he wasn't a run of the mill politician and now they expect him to change into one.

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