Am I the only one who has yet to get the armor set to drop for their Titan?? I am a Day One Destiny player and a die hard to say the least. With 60 packages opened and 40 of those havin been played with my Titan in Iron Banner I have yet to “EARN” the full Gear Set. I have been rewarded the Same Guns and Gear every single Time in succession and it’s getting a bit annoying. It’s like I finally find some Gear that Bungie expressed some creativity in and I feel I have more than earned the gear in fact I’ve done double the amount of earning per character... I should be able to purchase said gear with the near 1000 legendary shards I have currently rather than having to play this game until my eyes bleed while praying to non existent gods that I finally get the gear I’ve so desperately grinded to get-but some how I haven’t played enough to earn the proper gear and it seems I need to earn 15 more Pistols and 12 IB Pulse Rifles I guess before I can at least get the Gauntlets and Chest Armor. I’m very irritated with how Destiny took away my option to choose what gear I want. I have now GIVEN UP on IB and my disgust has lead me to research “Anthem” in hopes they will appreciate my gaming needs and grind. I love the game play in Destiny but the sheer disrespect to players and lack of creativity makes me miss unique items like D1 Raid Gear/Guns along with COMPETITIVE, level advantage Iron Banner! This game caters to those who come in second place. There are better ways to keep me playing the game. Not giving me what I work for and feel I’ve earned is gonna slowly get me back on to other games that appreciate my grind and desication and reward it properly by giving me players choice. It’s bad enough the entire PVP competitive aspect of Destiny has been wiped clean but I’ll save it that for another post! Does anyone else share my pain? I love Destiny but I really think they need to get more creative with a lot of things and allow players to choose more..
Edited by SoulRebel: 10/17/2017 3:22:55 AMI just hit 49 tonight and no full set for me either, all turned in for my Titan. I didn't get the fusion rifle either.