I have been playing MMO games since Ultima online, I transferred over to Everquest, Diablo 2, Final Fantasy 11, tried WoW (hated that one), EVE, Aeon, Diablo 3, Final Fantasy 14, and various other games. I was on the Halo series and spent more time than I should have in matchmaking.
That being said, I always try to look at every angle as much as I can and try to be the least biased as possible. I only have played hunter on D2, but also played Warlock on D1. My knowledge of Titan and Warlock is from what I see, read, and learn from others. Not myself. Therefore I will most likely not know some aspects or very easily oversee problems with things.
[u][i][b]I will also read the comments for additional ideas, I will personally report any negative/toxic comments. This is for feedback, we should all be on the same side to create a better game. Negativity will not be tolerated by myself and I hope the community and Bungie moderators will follow the same path.[/b][/i][/u] As a word to the community, if this turns out to be a popular post, there will be absolutely no possible way I will be able to see all the replies and ideas. I apologize in advance if I don't see it or add it into the original post for ideas and feedback. I also might not find all ideas balanced, relevant, or necessary to add. I.E. outrageous ideas like putting in tanks into control matches. I most likely won't put that in the list, unless you find a way to balance it out in PvP and make it fun for both teams.
After a certain amount of time on Destiny 1, I got burnt out pretty fast. There was nothing really to keep me going on there, and the constant connection loss to servers got on my nerves. A buddy of mine got me into Destiny 2 and I don't see this game lasting without some changes. Therefore I ran across countless websites as well as pulled some of my own ideas into a list of various things that should be fixed, changed, or added.
Some of these ideas are rather large and would take a lot of hours and possible re-coding certain aspects of the game. Others would not take nearly the effort. I also believe these would all bring much more live span to the game.
[b]Server connection[/b] issue is pretty bad.
I am on a wired connection running 300 mbps on the west coast and constantly lose connection with open NAT. I know it isn't my internet because I am also in xbox live parties and streaming music at the same time. The connection issue is somewhere between bungie and my console. Not my internet or xbox live as much as I would like to blame microsoft for as much as possible. (I used to work on computers and websites, I love blaming microsoft)
[b]Lower the Server instances[/b]
Very often I can go to a world/zone and see nobody on the planet with me, which would be more consistent with your story-line of minimal guardians remaining, but it gets annoying trying to farm heroic events solo. If you set up a system to attempt to maximize server instance (8-10 guardians? just an idea) before sending a guardian to an empty world that would make the public events a little less chore like and a bit more entertaining.
Anecdotal evidence, I have learned people get bored fast playing destiny solo, myself included.
[b]Increase Fireteam size in certain locations[/b]
This would be especially good if you don't adjust the server instances, lots of times we have 4-6 people in xbl party chat and we are trying to find things all of us can do at once and we have to rotate who is in the fireteam or someone just gets left out. This can be adjusted in PvP as well which I will go into a little more depth in the next section. Open world explore PvE should allow more people in Fireteam, farming public events is better with 4+ people in my experience (anecdotal) and often times my group also has more than 3 people.
[b]PvP gametypes, playlist, fireteam size[/b]
One of the great things of the Halo series was the various game-types we had available as well as the option to avoid other game-types.
I know this part might be a little more tricky, I am not sure the licensing and rights to game-types your company holds after the Halo franchise was moved over to 343. That being said, slight alterations to the game-types and renaming should be enough to avoid lawsuits. (I.E. CoD has team death match, halo has slayer, titanfall has attrition, destiny has clash)
I would like to see the return of big team battle,
separation of objective vs clash game-types,
weapon specific game-types (would need to add in usable load-outs without the use of certain, more powerful weapons) This means bring in a basic sniper, shotgun, scout rifle, pulse rifle, etc. Probably leaning towards the blue engram weapon options with only 1 or 2 load outs per game type.
[i]Sparrow Racing[/i] I am not really a fan of sparrow racing, but I know it is popular and people enjoyed it. Would be nice to see it be brought back for the community.
[b]Re-balancing of PVP[/b] This has multiple subsections
This one is always a touchy subject for everyone, I will throw out a few ideas, but without the code formulas for weapons, class actions, class abilities and so on, they are just ideas.
Again, I am going to reiterate, without the damage formula of all the aspects of the game, it is nearly impossible to get more than anecdotal data between all the classes and weapons in pvp.
That being said, I will say that I feel the PvP is more balanced than it was in destiny 1.
[i]Weapon balances[/i], auto rifles are king at short to mid range, nothing even comes close. Hand cannons are not my favorite in D2, however I loved them and I loved pistols in Borderlands, I feel the recoil and accuracy are way too high for them to be valid in D2 PvP. (Sunshot in PvE is amazing though.)
MIDA Multi-tool is the king of distance which poses a problem for people that enjoy other weapon types
(No I am not one of those anti Mida/Auto rifle people, infact I use the crap out of them, however I think they are over powered a bit)
Snipers need a buff, and we need better maps for the use of Snipers. I don't even think I have used a sniper in PvP and they are so under powered, I almost never use them in PvE either. And I love snipers, always have.
[i]Power weapons[/i] are pretty balanced especially with the minimal ammo on the field, in D1 it was a mess when 4 people on each team picked up power ammo.
[i]Super generation[/i] is pretty balanced, no complaints on the lowered generation from D1
[i]Super types[/i]. Again this gets into Anecdotal data, but I feel the power of titan and warlock supers are in many ways far superior to hunter. I felt the same way in D1. All three classes have a solid long range damage super in their fire based class. However I am uncertain as to the accuracy of each of the classes in PvP as I never really use fire classes.
[i]Lightning classes[/i] seem to favor titan and warlock. I have been able to kill hunters in arcstrider much easier than titans and warlocks. I have used warlock in D1 and the lightning class could clear the field several times over.
[i]Void classes[/i], Titan is pretty solid with the sentinel shield, warlock has at least a single guaranteed kill with the homing attack. Hunter arrow is great for removing an active super, but I feel it could use a tad bit of damage over time. Nothing major, but enough to take down half a life bar (not including shield, just the lifebar, not to include hitting someone with an arrow. I hat done direct hits with arrows and the enemy was left with half a life bar)
[i]Grenades and abilities[/i]
Titan has the fastest grenade, extremely powerful pulse grenade with low recast (needs to be adjusted)
Warlock grenades seem to be be pretty accurate, not over powered, not under powered.
Hunter Grenades are pretty under powered, this is consistent with numerous complaints across many websites including this one. Increased hunter grenade damage or additional effects, maybe remove health over time (incendiary does this), stun them for half a second, blind them, blur screen?
[i]Melee ability.[/i]
[u]Hunter Throwing knife:[/u] isn't often used in PvP, I know it was popular in D1 not sure if any adjustments need to be made on the throwing knife.
[u]Hunter arc melee:[/u] is good with the disorienting ability but have still lost melee battles vs titans and warlocks that can regenerate health and just spam melee action through the disorient, maybe automatically shift their view to a random direction or increase the duration of the disorient?
[u]Hunter smoke grenade:[/u] the invisibility could use a little longer duration on the invisibility as well as the delayed detonation on the smoke grenade.
[u]Warlock arc melee:[/u] is pretty good in my experience, I don't know enough to make any statements, I will read comments.
[u]Warlock void melee:[/u] Solid with the health regeneration, but in melee battle with hunter it easily overpowers a hunter.
[u]Warlock fire melee:[/u] Will read comments.
[u]Titan Arc Melee:[/u] Reloads weapons and increases weapon stability, kinda seems useless to me for pvp, but I don't play titan so I will read comments
[u]Titan void melee:[/u] Will read comments
[u]Titan fire melee:[/u] Will read comments
Hunter has the fastest Class ability, dodge is nearly useless. There are some neat things to it, but it just does not compete to warlock rifts or titan shields. Maybe if it did something else besides regenerate melee, reload, or pretty noticeable invisibility it would be ok. I really have no ideas for this one.
Warlock rift, no issues. I don't play warlock but I think it suits the class well as an ability.
Titan Shield, no issues. I don't play titan but again, I think it suits the class well as an ability. (Players need to learn to use shield better though, don't throw out a shield with low life and step through to just die right afterwards)
[b]I commented more stuff below[/b][/i][/u]
All of this. Plus Ammo synths.