Hey there! I’m Adam (Bear Faced Man), an admin for a small-ish clan known as Monster Factory, whose namesake comes from a Polygon Youtube series close to the hearts of the clan founder and me.
We’re currently about 70 strong and a level 5 clan, and we’re friendly and down to play with whoever, so long as they’re in the spirit of having fun and being mature. Having a near full clan would really enable us to tackle the raid and other big activities at any time of day as we’d like.
This clan has becoming something like a baby to me in the past weeks. I ask that you are willing to become part of a second family. It’s said a journey is oft more important than the destination. And yes; we’re here for the end-game, but also the friend-game.
The new requirement that I set forth is that you join our Facebook messenger group once you join the clan. I had it optional before, but I believe the core of the ‘personal touch’ comes from it. When you join, you can find me on Facebook as Adam Carter (from Beaufort, South Carolina - you will find many Adam Carters). You can reach me on this app, or the Xbox app, or Facebook. Trust me, we’re nice people. Look forward to seeing you out there!
-Bear Faced Man
Updated our spiel, hope to find new family members~