Why are men so sex addicted?
I do not mean ALL men.
I think both women and men nowadays are way too eager to engage in sexual activity. People have stripped away the emotional component of the act, and have deemed it a purely physical need (sic). While that in and of itself is not inherently wrong, it does have some very problematic results/consequences. Most notably, the degradation of interpersonal relationships, and a propensity to use others to fulfill those desires. Let's face it: men tend to act like douchebags because it is an effective way to court potential sexual partners. Lacking inhibitions, a willingness to lie/deceive, and a complete abandonment of personal morality give a competitive advantage. Ladies, if you want men to stop acting like this, and be decent...well, there is no kind way to say this, but stop sleeping with assholes. Don't reward bad behaviour. Humans are animals after all, and can be conditioned in a similar fashion. You want men to be respectful, compassionate and honest? Then show an interest in potential romantic partners that have these qualities. Seriously, the fact that people have the audacity to complain about how they can't find anyone to date in a serious capacity when their primary location of engagement is a club boggles my mind. If you're a vegan, you wouldn't go to to a steakhouse or ribfest if you were seriously interested in finding food you would like. Could you make it work? Sure, they likely have something for you, but it will be slim pickings. So don't mess with -blam!-boiis and then complain that men are jerks; because the real men aren't hanging around the -blam!-boiis. They might know a couple, but they aren't spending time with them at the strip club...no, the men (and I mean respectable men) have more than pussy in their minds, and are spending their free time on those pursuits. But I digress; along with the above issue, is the fact that when people finally do form serious relationships they have unrealistic sexual expectations. Aside from wanting sex constantly, there is often a desire which persists past the capacities of a single partner. People convince themselves that they are missing sexual opportunities with others and then lean towards adulterous behaviour. Their desire for sexual conquest beyond their current relationship (which is based solely on a physical level - as they have stripped away the emotional component) ultimately compromises the legitimacy of their relationship. I'll try to keep it short, so to cut to the point: if you are sleeping with someone simply because you want somewhere to stick your dick/fill your hole...well then you are probably better off masturbating; but, if you are sleeping with someone because you are generally emotionally invested...well at least you are starting from the right place. Rant over.
Biological imperative.
Oh my sweet summer child. Women want sex more than men.
Your answer will come to you once you get a firm grasp of the male genitalia and how they work.
Edited by Chicken in Rice: 10/21/2017 6:57:27 AM[i]Some[/i] (not all) men just don't give a crap about who they "interact" with. They just get in relationships only so they can follow a certain desire with no self-control. My fellow men, don't be this way. Never be with a woman just for your physical desires. Relationships aren't for one specific reason.
Sex is fun? Why would we not be programmed to think about it
Why do women pretend they arent?
I dunno, why do women always communicate in cryptic messages and never just tell us what they want?
It's pretty simple - we are animals. You can't change nature's instinct over night.
(More russian profanity)
A lot of people in general like sex, and that includes women. There are just two catches to that which society tends to forget: 1) It's generally frowned upon for a woman to be outward about enjoying sex (as it would make her a "slut" or something similar) 2) Liking sex doesn't mean you like sex with everybody. Even a woman who is [i]hugely[/i] into sex isn't going to mount any guy who looks at her funny if she's not attracted to him, just like how guys don't tend to want to sleep with women they aren't attracted to (many men complain about overweight women, for example).
I've known some pretty horny women so? Maybe you're just asking an extremely pointless question.
triggered sjw?
Ummmm... well son.... you see.... when a man sees a woman..... in a special way.... uhhhh..... Want some ice cream?
I’m a man and I’m not addicted to sex. I’d rather cuddle
It's more accurate to say that males are biologically inclined to be less selective than females, due to the more limited window of fertility that females posses as well as the general hindrances and survivability issues that pregnancy caused prior to advent of modern medicine and social structures.
I don't know man.
Too many associate it with power. It should never be. It should only be commitment to the the satisfaction in relationship building between a couple and pro creating. Outside that it has no purpose.
I could care less about your sex. Watchu mean?
All organisms have at least 2 basic functions. Survival and continuation of one's genetics. Humans have evolved with grey matter to think of far more abstract and complex things, but at our core everyone (both men and women) seek survival and reproduction. It is not really something you can just totally block out considering it is done unconsciously.
It feels good.