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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
10/20/2017 5:24:20 PM

R.I.P Titan Skating

Back in my day, there was this great game called [i]Destiny[/i]. There was this called [u]Titan Skating[/u], it allowed the player to do a little glitch with the Titan character. It allowed you to freely move across any surface that you could walk/run on. While pressing only a couple of buttons in a certain order rapidly, you would be able to glide across the air without hesitation. Being able to Titan Skate was a big thing back on D1. Titan Skating was a very fun and exciting glitch to perform. Other players absolutely hated it and wanted it nerfed. I'm a Titan main since D1 all the way to D2. Come to find out that the finally patched Titan Skating. [u]I will never forget the possibility's being able to Titian Skate. [/u]

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