Yesterday I've noticed a weird thing: after landing on IO, close to Asher Mir, I've heard strange radio voices... you know, they were buzzed, distorted like a radio transmission. Then I noticed that those voices came out from the radio placed close the Transmat Point where we land from our ship.
The comunication said something like: [i]"... an alliance with the Fallen? Do not kidding"[/i]. I tried to reload the Transmat Point but... nothing.
So I went in the European Dead Zone, the Transmat point close to Drev... and, guess what? Other radio voices, this time were Asher Mir and Failsave talking.
I didn't have the time to go around to check all the Transmat points around the other Planets, but I'm gonna do this after. Did you ever noticed that?
[b][u]EDIT 10/23:[/u][/b] First of all: I've discovered that the radio comunications [b][u]are "mixed" and don't follow a linear time-line according to our progress in the game.[/u][/b] That's because, always on IO, in the same spot I've pointed in this topic, I've heard Suraya talks about the fact the Thumus was going to kill some Light-less Guardians. Now, that's impossible since I've already ended the Campaign and Thumos is been brutally, completely, absolutely, totally, fully, disintegrated by my Arc Staff.
[b][u]Secondly:[/u][/b] I'm trying to record all the weird radio comunications in order to make a video. It will be in Italian, but I'll make subtitles in Englis and I'll try to be very accurate into the translation.
Architect Mind
Not much of an NPC - old
Didn't have time for them or... Didn't have time to explain what you didn't understand. (Seriously best jab in game)