Hi everyone that need some healing!
We are a Portuguese clan and we are interested in meeting new player that want to play Destiny 2 and above else, have fun playing the game.
We have a group created in the new section of Battle.net, Social, where we can meet and play together.
Join us! [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2746613[/url]
[b][u]No Genji's were harmed during the creation of this clan.[/u][/b]
For the non PT speaking users, Curanço = Healing
Boas a todos que precisem de serem curados!
Somos um clan tuga e estamos interessados em conhecer novos players que se dediquem ao destiny 2.
E acima de tudo se divirtam a jogar!
Temos um grupo para convivio na nova secção da battle.net.
Juntem se a nos!
Nenhum Genji foi aleijado na criação deste clã.