I know that missing milestones are a thing that is happening to some people. I have that issue as well. My Titan has the milestone for the Raid but my Hunter does not. I have not finished the Raid on my hunter yet but I just don't want to finish the Raid only to find I won't get the Luminous Engram.
On a second note: A little background. My Hunter is my 1st character, my Titan is my 2nd. I know that recently Cosmo said that the devs have set it so that multiple characters of the SAME class would not be able to pass higher powered gear from on character to an alt, but that is obviously not the case for me. While leveling up my Hunter and Titan past 265 cap, regular drops were dropping around 6-7 points below current light level, Luminous Engrams were dropping on average a couple +3-4 points higher than my current level and Exotics were dropping well above +10.
This was working like this up until this weeks reset. Leveled my Hunter up to 288-289 and then leveled my Titan to approx. 296-298. My Titan seems to be unaffected by these 2 issues, Milestones all there, and regular drops are still 6-7 points below, luminous are a couple of points above. But when I swtiched back to my Hunter this week I was missing the milestone for the Raid and the regular drops are now dropping 10 points below my current level and last night I got a Luminous or Power gear 1 point below my current max of 295.
I don't know if these 2 issues are related or not, but this make leveling up to the cap of 305 really difficult if even the Luminous Engrams are dropping below my light level. Bungie HELP Please! Otherwise this week and any subsequent weeks will be essentially a "wipe".
Also, Forgot to mention that I did not even get the Nightfall Luminous Engram after completing it