1.Story: we get our light back after 1.5 story missions, but the vanguard can't take a little trip to the travelers shard and get theirs back..I would have carried them if they'd asked... Oh wait. We are 'chosen'.. and that is why there are so many other guardians around .. ok..
2. 'fun guns' .. you like limiting yourself..ok..I get it..in a game that is focused on 'gain power' with 'powerful engrams'...you can take it slow. If you don't want to get to the 'endgame'.. I'm a clan player, we all geard up together to get raid ready asap, finished raids, prestige nightfalls... had fun for 3 werks.. I tried a lot of guns but most of them are not worth using in pve..esp. snipers and granade launchers are pointless... there's 2 decent scouts, 2-3 decent autos, 2 good rocket launchers.. 1-2 reliable handcannons... Oh,what fun. (Same goes for exotics..)
Of course you can play the way you like, running around solo looking at trees and shit..I and many other players don't buy a game that was advertised as 'ever expanding, open world MMO Fps' to look at the scenery.. I like the graphics, they are what I expect every game to be in 2017. Gunplay us just like D1..ok. Enemies are way dumber, they happily walk into AoE granades..a D1 Thrall would stay out, look at you, and charge at you again after the AoE is gone..
The vanilla 1 vs. vanilla 2 argument is only valid for content, eg. one cannot expect a game to launch wit 5 raids, 39 strikes and 130 PvP maps.. the 'vanilla' argument is not valid if you look at core game mechanics, currency, 'Power', basic content like being able to replay a story mission on hard if you like...why did they cut so many improvements in core mechanics? No quest tab, no collectibles, no secrets to discover..lost sectors are marked on your map..why? the 'why should I stay here' mechanics are missing... that's why the player base has dropped 70 Percent since launch...
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