He's getting bagged for parroting the same damn response. I think he's hoping if he repeats himself enough we'll start to believe it. Fact of the matter is, they effed up, and banned people who shouldn't have been banned.
Literally all it would take is: "We messed up, and banned some folks erroneously. We are still trying to determine why, and will provide an update as soon as possible." Customer service really isn't that hard, all you have to do is give a shit.
I legitimately believe that on these forums, in this atmosphere, he would get flamed in chat regardless of his answer. If he says something like what you say, he’ll get destroyed for the game messing up. If he repeats an official statement from the [i]the department in charge of this information[/i] he’s just “parroting.” We as a community cannot and should not expect transparency from the devs if this is the response we give when they respond. It has to go both ways.
Been in support for some time, and when your crap is broken you gotta be ready for the heat. But in my experience being honest with your customer base pays dividends. It builds trust, and later down the line when you have to look them in the eye and say "no" that trust goes a long way. I used the term parroting because despite evidence to the contrary Bungie continued to state that bans were permanent, and that they had not erroneously banned anyone. Which at the time of the last statement I'm certain they knew was false.
I don’t disagree that being honest builds trust, in most scenarios. But take last nights TWAB for example. Bungie has been more open with the community over the past year than they have ever been in Destiny’s timeline. However, when a dev is open about changes being worked on, the majority of the comments said something like “Too little, too late,” or “should have been in the game in the first place.” And OP here said something akin to, “Thanks for being open but screw you for not being open the way I wanted you to be and you suck.” I also agree that if something is broken, devs should be prepared for feedback. But I think the community has responsibility in how they frame the feedback, and attacking someone for not being open, and then attacking them when they are open is crazy making. I don’t expect them to be transparent with us while this is the reception they receive when they do. Agree or disagree, hope you’re having a good day. Take care.
[quote]He's getting bagged for parroting the same damn response. I think he's hoping if he repeats himself enough we'll start to believe it. Fact of the matter is, they effed up, and banned people who shouldn't have been banned. Literally all it would take is: "We messed up, and banned some folks erroneously. We are still trying to determine why, and will provide an update as soon as possible." Customer service really isn't that hard, all you have to do is give a shit.[/quote] This. Well said