I remember one time I was talking to a customer service rep for Xbox and he kept thanking me for basically just not being a jackass.
I just don't understand why people yell at customer service and public relations people like everything is their fault and they can fix all your problems instantly.
I mean seriously, they're human beings too. People treat them like garbage and then wonder why it takes hours to solve their problems. People don't work very efficiently when they're being screamed at by an entitled douchebag.
I learned that if I have an actual problem, and not calling just for some info or with a question....when the rep gets on the line...i I mmidiatly ask for a supervisor politely. They ask why. I say because i know you don't have the authority to do anything I need you to do. Not your fault. You were fine, but I need someone who can do something. They usually don't say anything and transfer me
Well that depends entirely on the problem and what type of company you're dealing with. I've had plenty of problems that the basic customer service rep was more than capable of solving. Just automatically demanding to talk to a supervisor isn't always the best option. Half the times I try to talk to a supervisor I'll get transferred a dozen times or put on hold for 3 hours.
Ya I mean a serious problem. If my internet goes out. The rep can handle that. If I'm charged for something I shouldn't have been and all I have for evidence is my word...supervisor