And it’ll be done when exactly? Early 2018 is too long off to save what they’ve done to the game.
My friends list on D2 launch was over 50 playing daily. Yesterday not a single person playing. Not once in D1 did I have an issue finding someone on my friends list to do a NF or run some strikes with, even at its worst times. 6 wks into D2 and it’s painful to watch the game die like this.
I myself (nearly 4K hours in D1) am finding it hard to stay interested in D2.
They need to fix this shit show now, NOT next year. It’ll be too late by then.
No it won't and people will come back.
Statistics say you are wrong. Name one game where players returned en masse after a debacle like this? The Division? No mans sky? Titanfall? Fallout 4? I honestly can’t think of one game that recovered or grew it user base.
Destiny 1