And boy howdy is she a looker! I’ve heard she gets [i]Eye[/i]d from as far away as [i]Another World[/i]. She’s decked herself out for [i]Actium[/i] [i]War[/i]. She has [i]Rig[/i]ged it so that all enemies are on her [i]Radar[/i]. So don’t be a [i]Knucklehead[/i], get out there and shower her with praise or be next on her list.
The Jade Rabbit has knocked D.A.R.C.I as the Hawk-moonglow. yes, that scout rifle is the real crucible assassin this week. congrats to all xbox players that'll finally get their Ahamkaras claws on them. To you I say with an eye from another Destiny world, become an actium war rig and show snipers why The Jade rabbit is king!
D2 has no snipers, is a waste of a slot.
Edited by Swiftlock: 10/27/2017 7:30:32 PMThe design of Darci's appearance and lore is great. The actual in-game utility of Darci is lackluster. In PvE, there are a handful of power weapons that put snipers to shame in the damage department, and in PvP, Darci's reticle is very obstructive. It's not a bad weapon for landing headshots, but if you can do well with Darci, chances are that you can do decently with just about any other sniper - and likely find one that has more comfortable sights. I feel like Darci would've been a badass gun in just about any other game BESIDES Destiny 2. But sadly, Bungie's design choices with balancing the game too hard around PvP really hold her back.
I don’t think I’ve used a sniper once. Kinda of pointless in D2’s setup... I’ve had darci in my vault for like six weeks..... -blam!- the exotics they suck.
Wtf is a sniper?
Edited by Kahliden: 10/27/2017 10:01:27 PMI'll buy it cuz it's like the only thing I don't have. Please correct if this isn't all of em Sweet business Mida Vigilance Rat king Sturm Coldheart Fighting lion Uriel's gift Sun shot Graviton Riskrunner Skyburners Sins of the past Wardcliff Borealis Merciless Prospector Tractor cannon Exclude DARCI and Acrius
Darci - the most worthless of the most worthless weapon type.
At this point, our interactions are the only way I remember what day it is.