[b]Our Clan Page:[/b] [i]TittiesSprinkles[/i] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2758369][x][/url]
We are currently [u]NOT[/u] recruiting! Must be 240+ light level. Really low requirements. We plan on doing Raids/Trials of Nine/Strikes/Crucible as much as possible. We don't require consistent activity; But we do ask that you put in your weekly contribution for clan engrams. We're a group of friends, so we're all pretty laid back.
[b]How do I join?[/b]
1. Up vote this Thread. (Click on the up arrow in the top left corher of this post, next to my name)
2. Apply on: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2758369
3. That's it, welcome to TittiesSprinkles.
You're also welcome to join our Discord Server where you can find new friends to team up with at any given time.
🔶🔶🔶IMPORTANT! WE ARE NOW HAVE 10 SPACES AVAILABLE, JOIN OUR DISCORD IF INTERESTED! [/u] 🔶🔶🔶 🔶ABOUT US🔶 We are a group of friends from different ends of the United Kingdom. We are all a bit crazy about PC gaming and are very active, most of us had alot of experience with Destiny 1 and want to push forward with Destiny 2 in the same regard. 🔶OUR GOAL🔶 Our goal is simple, build a community of like minded people who will no longer struggle to achieve what they wish inside the Destiny world. A world where if you want to team up to dominate the Crucible a team will be in the waiting, A world where if you want to Raid and want to do it with experienced people, the opportunity to do so will be available regularly, on your terms. 🔶OUR RULES🔶 Give one another the utmost respect, we're all here for the same reason Absolutely no racism, or other prejudicial ranting, it wont be tolerated Have fun and enjoy your time with us 🔶WHAT WE ASK OF YOU?🔶 1. UpVote this post, let's get others interested in our cause! 2. Comment your battletag and any other information you may wish. 3. Be 18+ sorry but we must put an age requirement on here for our sakes! 4. Have a Microphone and Discord join our discord here --> https://discord.gg/MRje2ec 5. Request to join the clan --> https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2604552 🔶Join us in the fight for light, Immortals, see you on the field🔶 🔶🔶🔶IMPORTANT! WE ARE NOW HAVE 10 SPACES AVAILABLE JOIN OUR DISCORD IF INTERESTED! [/u] 🔶🔶🔶