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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/28/2017 4:48:37 PM
"Business matters.." [i]The captain murmured, sighing a little.[/i] "Very well. I shall alert her of these.. business matters." [i]He then descended back to the camp, leaving behind his patrol of men and women. Archers from watchtowers would study the armored woman from high above, their bows trained upon her, arrows nocked upon her being.[/i] [i]A few minutes later, the captain would return to the gate, accompanied with an individual that was likely this "Lady Freya Trayven". She was of moderate height, at five feet and ten inches tall, her uniform adorned in gilded, yet sturdy steel plate. In her right hand was a sturdy trident, the three points sharpened for both slashing and slicing. There was a certain aura of respect that surrounded the young woman, as if even for her age - she was in her early twenties, if anything - the men and women surrounding the exo and their commander nodded towards Freya as she approached, murmurs cut short as she stopped in front of the Spartan.[/i] "...Business matters, then." [i]She murmured, studying the Spartan up and down. It was hard to tell whether she found the exo fit to serve for "business matters".[/i] "...Let us talk "business" then. Your name is?"

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