I have been kicked out from my other clan so going to find another.
And I’m 17 years old
Not dealing with squeakers
I like to relax in peace
Check us out. We're small, but looking to grow to a community that will do all activities.
What reason did they give for kicking you?
Ps4. Work evenings and want to game during the day? Want to knock out a night fall while the kids nap? Want to raid Friday and Saturday nights? Want to chat with people who understand the struggles of being married with kids? Or just married and no kids. Or not married with kids. We except all! A new clan but actively recruiting. You don't have to be a dad to join. Join a great community and become a leader in a new clan. The clan will grow. CST and EST timezones. Check out DoD NightWalkers and join a new clan in the community. I use discord or band to communicate and plan with other DoD clans so accomplishing end game stuff will still happen while growing. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2788335
We are a casual group of gamers looking for more people to play with. We do all endgame activities each week whether its raiding, nightfall or crucible. There is no level requirement and we are happy to accept both new and experienced players. All we ask is that you are respectful to other members of the clan. So if you want to play with a good group and make some new friends, check out our clan page https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2646785