So we got the Curse of Osiris trailer today, and at the end when we're shown the release date we also get a peak at the poster for the next expansion - the one we know features Warmind involvement.
If you look closely - or watch My Name is Byf's short news video where he enlarges the poster - you'll see that the female guardian above the Warmind door has an Iron Lord symbol on her shoulder.
At the very least this guarantees that we'll see SIVA in the second expansion. The colonizing-tool-turned-super-weapon is what connects the Iron Lords to the Warmind in the lore we already have.
But if this female guardian is a true Iron Lord then she has to be Lady Efrideet in new armour. This may mean that this is the expansion where we come into contact with her secret community of pacifist guardians.
Edited by Arsenic: 10/30/2017 11:52:32 PMSadly, all I can think is "Yey! More opportunity to reuse D1 assets!" This game should've been a DLC for D1, it would've been much better recieved as it would still be using the superior game systems and the amount of content reuse would be more appropriate. Anyways... I feel it will be either another Earth zone, or a Mars zone. Will probably have ANOTHER social space too (just what we need!) I [i]HOPE[/i] for a lot of new guns and gear but I fear we'll just see more Destiny 1 carryovers as it seems CoO will have( Thorn, Testo, Jade Rabbit, etc.). I'd love a railgun of some kind.. Like a scoped Linear Fusion made for real long range. I personally do not want to see more SIVA or any more Devil Splicers (or Dusk Splicers or ANY splicers) I feel that thread has been tucked away nicely and it is way too soon to tug on it again. Maybe a DLC on the Hive would be nice as there are plenty of strings to pull with them right now. I wouldn't mind more time with the Drake either...