originally posted in:The New Dojo
She picked up a longbow, testing it. It weighed less and Alpha needed to brush up.
After picking up a few arrows she walked over to a target, and began practicing.
Alpha wasn't bad, she just seemed rusty. After about an hour she was doing as good or better than Freya's own archers. The crossbow was even better, Alpha never missed with that weapon.
[i]Freya had taken to personally watching Alpha in her free time, as she saw thar her own troops were steadily dedicating themselves to shooting just as good as Alpha was. All that filled Freya's ears for a while was *thunk!*, over and over. She would let Alpha stop practicing whenever she wanted, as it was getting late.[/i]
When she stopped, she decided on the bow. It weighed less and she decided she liked it better than the crossbow. She nodded in approval at it, then gestured to the tents. [i]Where do I sleep?[/i]
[i]Freya motioned for Alpha to follow, bringing her throughout the encampment itself. Training yards, lunch tables, stockpiles of food.. the Trayvens had it all.[/i] [i]Freya would find Alpha not a tent, but a building that had been set up for recruits.[/i] "These will be your living quarters. This is a fairly new building, that's why there are so many tents.."
She nodded. [i]Thank you.[/i] She seemed to say, before heading inside to find a place to bunk. Armor and proper apparel would have to wait. For now, she only need to go inside, find her spot, and ignore anything staring at her
[i]Surprisingly enough, the few recruits that were within the building actually respected Alpha. Some nodded, one actually bothered to wave, but little more was said, as some laid down, chatted in hushed tones, or simply read books or cleaned their equipment.[/i]
She sat in an empty bunk, and set her bow and arrows down next to it. In the meantime, she would look around, sighing. Alpha would have to probably find a way to occupy herself until she was needed
[i]Alpha didn't have too much. Her fellow recruits, training.. for now, it was just waiting for the action to pick up, it seemed.[/i] [spoiler]Want to fin it here? I can get her armor, still.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Armor'd be nice.[/spoiler] She sighed. She still needed her armor. So, she got up, and headed back out.
[i]Alpha would see what may have been an armorer and a smithy, working upon a set of steel plate in silence. Perhaps he could find armor that was fitting for her.[/i]
She cleared her throat, hoping Freya had alerted him of her request.
[i]The blacksmith would turn back, as he would then nod towards Alpha.[/i] "Oi, you're the furry. Ya, got yer armor here." [i]He would leave the steel plate, as he retrieved a set of armoring that would fit what would belong to a scout: a hardened, dark leather gambeson made up the majority of the set, allowing for both flexibility and defense as well. He had also provided a dagger for self defense in CQC.[/i]
She nodded her thanks. The armor would suffice, but she knew many of the Dojoites had ways of getting to her. The dagger would do little, but would help.
[spoiler]Want to call a fin?[/spoiler]