Join up among some of the greatest meme lords this side of the Salty Spitoon. Do you enjoy getting tons of exotic weaponry and doing awesome Raid Bosses? Well I can't promise you that. Cause not gonna lie this clan is pretty trash. HOWEVER, IF you like laughing at terrible internet memes then this clan is for you. So join before we get banned. Cause I mean, god damn wtf is this garbage.
-Cha Boi
It could be taken as crabs RESP3CT For Anyone Who Can't Find A Clan * Caliber is a Level 6 Xbox One clan looking to recruit experienced players From The UK Or Australia wanting to make each other's experience in Destiny 2 more enjoyable. (We are looking for dedicated players power 300+) to earn the best loot destiny has to offer. We actively complete challenges, nightfalls, raids, and of course crucible and trial runs as a team so if you want to join the Clan Apply To The Clan And We Will Review And Accept if You meet the Requirements. * We Complete All The Weekly Clan Engrams * Rules * Be Respectful To One Another * having a mic is optional * Please Try To help Each other Out Remember Everyone Started Out Nowhere At One Point In Tome * inactive people kicked within 3days to keep Clan activity high unless you have a reason * please try to help other clan members and talk in clan chat * Click The Link Below To Take A look At The Clan * * MUST USE CLAN CHAT! * Due To Some Inactive Members We Cleared a few open spots for the clan Power 300+ 1m Report Moderate
Also, we play on the Xbox original only.