Star nervously smiled and laughed. "Hehe...Surprise?"
[i]"...Alright, that's a little... Different, but I can get over it. If I sound upset, I'm not - I'm just adjusting, is all." [/i] [spoiler]For the record, Nat's only half human lol. She just doesn't know. [/spoiler]
Star sighed in relief. "Oh thank you for there not being as much racism here....Back home I've had some people not react so kindly. For the leagues I always lied and said I was human with a genetic problem that gave me weird eye colors."
"Heterochromia? I would've just said contacts," Nat said with a laugh.
"Some people would say things about "I'm on to you!" and I always worried it was the nonhuman thing, but it was always them thinking I wore contacts just to come off more sexy or whatever." Star chuckled. "Apparently the eyes are attractive or something to some humans."
[i]"Trust me - They are." [/i]
She giggled at the comment and blushed lightly. "Thanks, Nat. May I ask which colors you find the most attractive though? Is it a combination like my current blue and orange or do you like them both being pink or something?"
[i]"Hmm... Did I ever shoe you a picture of what my hair used to look like when I dyed it? Purple is my favourite colour, but a specific shade." [/i]
"No, you haven't. Purple? The one color I can only change to in specific moments sadly." Star sighed in disappointment. "Purple is the sign of passionate love for my kind. You'd think it would be red, but red means the complete opposite. Basically, if I have red eyes you run far far away."
[i]"Same thing applies to humans. And honestly that pink you have is REALLY -blam!-ing hot." [/i]
Star leaned forward a little as her eyes shifted to pink, her voice getting a seductive tone. "Oh yeah? You like the lustful eye color? Mmm...me too." She stopped herself just as she was about to kiss Nat before taking a step back with a smirk, her eyes changing back to her normal blue and orange. "Can't hold it too long in public or everything will go downhill."
[i]"Downhill?" Natalie asked, am upbeat and fun time joining her joking words. [/i]
"Very flirty and showy. Nothing too bad as I'm not a one for public stuff, but I may kiss random strangers like it's nothing and show off my body a lil."
[i]"...I should seriously start having pink eyed Star teach me how to socialize."[/i]
Star giggled again. "If you don't mind wearing what's basically just skimpy underwear while grinding and kissing people then sure." Her eyes went back to pink. "Let's have fun~..."
[i]"I'm down for it. To both of those." [/i]
[spoiler]Well then...that's too lewd to actually do here.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Move to PM or timeskip it?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Timeskip it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Kk, you start from when these two finished. [/spoiler]