I would like to recommend TheBonj for a community Focus. He has become a very popular figure in the destiny twitch community due to the effort he puts in when it comes to helping other guardians. The community he has built for himself is incredible and in full support of TheBonj himself. I have personally loved being apart of it and helping him grow. You can check him out at www.twitch.tv/TheBonj Thanks
Absolutely - I spent a few days in his stream spectating like I always do with streamers new to me and subbed on the 3rd day because of how interactive, helpful, amazing TheBonj and his community are. One of the only ones I've been a part of that helps anyone asking for help and guides numerous raids/NF/Trials a day. This guy brings lovers of Destiny together and thoroughly enjoys helping everyone out! Mad Props @TheBonj come join the fam! twitch.tv/TheBonj -- Cheers