By the end of Destiny 1, pretty much everyone knew which zones, on each map, were preferable to have during the match.
I know that a lot of the players in Destiny 2, are new players. So I'd like to give you all a heads up, and hopefully take a little frustration out the crucible for some of us veterans, and yourselves.
Distant Shores - B and C
Alter of Flame - A and B
Legion's Gulch - A and C
Emperor's Respite - B and A
Javelin-4 - A and B
Midtown - B and C
Vostok - A and C
These zones are the zones that seem to be easier to control, protect, and go between.
Also, while holding 3 zones gives you power plays, and can add a huge boost to your score, in D2. It's best to just try to maintain only two zones at a time, as most often capping the third will open up one of your zones, for the other team to steal it; which will put you at the disadvantaged spawn. So most often, it's not worth going for the power play, unless you're absolutely sure that your team cash maintain the triple cap.
This is just a short list of a few that I know of for sure. I'm not real sure on some of the other maps yet. So, feel free to add to the list, or advise if I've gotten any that I listed wrong.
Inb4 - "Your k/d is "______", you don't know what you're talking about."...
I had over 75 days of play time in just Destiny 1 Crucible, 95% of that time was spent playing just Control for 6-8 hours per night. Before Destiny 2 came out, I was top 10 in the US, and top 200 in the world for capturing zones. I realize this doesn't mean that "I'm good", (I'm not trying to claim that), but it should show that I played enough to know at least the basics of capturing zones.
Edit: Jeez, why so many down-votes? There have been a lot of up-votes, but it's not getting much higher, because of down-votes, I'm guessing. Do those of you down-voting, not want people to know which zones are the better zones to hold, or what? Would you rather they didn't know, and continued causing your team to spawn on the bad side?
What's this "Control" you speak of? Is that the one where I run around collecting those engram shaped things?