[quote][b]PLEASE NOTE:[/b] I am not a Bungie Employee, so I cannot fully "confirm" what PlayStationDE tweeted as true or false. I just want to share the information. Please take the information shared with a grain of salt. [/quote]
In the Tweet shared above, PlayStationDE recently answered to a User in a Subtweet that the upcoming Destiny 2 Expansion "Curse of Osiris" will include a [i]new[/i] Raid. In the Tweet in question, PlayStationDE shared that Bungie is currently (Tweet from about 7 hours ago) telling them more about the upcoming Expansion "Curse of Osiris". In a Subtweet, a User asked for clarification on the topic if there will be a new Raid, or new Raid Content. PlayStationDE recently replied with "Neuer Strike, neuer Raid, neue Abenteuer, neue PVP-Map für PS4. Und ein Geist mit Name. Der ist cool." which directly translates to "New Strike, new Raid, new Adventures and new PVP-Map for PS4. And a Ghost with a name. That one is cool."
The context leaves little room for them meaning anything else than [i]new[/i], and as a German Resident with German being my first language, I don't understand the Tweet in any other way other than how I've translated it above for you.
I wanted to share this with you all as the German PlayStation Account is far less frequented as the english one (obviously). However, I would urge you all to take this information cautiously until Bungie officially confirms or denies this.
Imagine if was a PlayStation exclusive raid holy shit, I would go to Bungie HQ and burn that place to the ground lol