originally posted in:The New Dojo
"I'm ready whenever you are." [b][i]He said grinning a bit.[/i][/b]
"Okay".says akiko [i]she smiles looking at a second before taking off in a run.[/i]
"Oh you little..." [b][i]Leon said as he took off after her running[/i][/b]
[i]akiko giggled as she ran a little faster. She is a little farther ahead of him.[/i] "Catch me if you can leon."teases akiko
[i][b]He kept running, pushing himself hard to tray and catch her. As he got closer, he attempted to grab her tail with one hand.[/b][/i]
[i]he missed her tail by a inch as she ran ahead of him. [/i]
[b][i]He stumbled a bit as he recovered from reaching, giving her a few moments to gain the lead as he did[/i][/b]
[i]she was quickly gaining the lead to as she ran ahead him. But lead wasn't so bad that he would be able to catch her if he is fast enough.[/i]
[i][b]He recovered, speeding up to catch up to her. His feet hit the ground hard a she pushed himself forward[/b][/i]
[i]she could hear him behind gaining on her. She was much closer now.[/i]
[b][i]He had found his rhythm as he ran, getting closer in hopes to grab at her tail.[/i][/b]
[i]she's still running pretty fast her tail just out of reach. [/i]
[b][i]He gained on her a bit, reaching once again for her tail[/i][/b]
[i]she runs a little faster hearing him behind her again catching up. She can be heard giggling as she does too.[/i]
[b][i]He tried to speed up again as well, though he stumbled a abit as he did, recovering quickly though as he chased her[/i][/b]
[i]its not too long before though she can see the finish line ahead. She continued to run at the same pace for a bit still being able to hear him behind her running still.[/i]
[b][i]He pushed himself a bit harder, reaching out for her tail with his hand[/i][/b]
[i]she ran little faster almost at the finish line as he reaches for her tail again. [/i]
[b][i]He nearly got it, but just missed as he sped up, gunning it for one last attempt to grab her tail.[/i][/b]
[i]he missed again by a inch or so as she crossed the finish line she was breathing pretty had when she had finally stopped running. She turn looked at a playful grin on her face.[/i]
[b][i]He stopped only a bit behind her. His face was a mixture of emotions, the most prominent of which being joy though. He was a bit pissed that he lost, though he loved racing with Akiko.[/i][/b]
"That was fun leon."says akiko [i]akiko smiles at him clearly very happy. She walks over to him after catching her breath.[/i] "That was a really close race."says Akiko
"Yeah. Even closer than last time." [b][i]He said, smiling a pit as she approached. He put a hand around her waist gently, pulling her in a bit.[/i][/b] "So, what do you want to do now?"
"I don't know we can walk around a little bit."says akiko [i]She smiles a little more as he pulls her in closer.[/i] "Unless you got any other ideas."says Akiko
"A walk could be nice." [b][i]He says, as he lifts her chin to face him gently as he kisses her quickly.[/i][/b] l"If your want, we could always do what we did last time you won."
"Hey kinda like your idea a little better."says Akiko [i]she giggled and gives a kiss back.[/i]