I'm voting £1.00 because that's all the 6 Hours that I've played it are worth.
You do realize that games have been the same price since the Nintendo 64 days right? And that with inflation, most things have gone up in price since then, including the cost to produce the games. The games are much bigger now as well. Yet you are still complaining that you paid $60 for a game, by choice, mind you. You didn't have to buy the game at launch. You could have waited a few weeks and waited for reviews, but you chose to buy the game.
I think the price was fine. There was a much more enjoyable story (Some could argue that D1 didn't even have one) right out of the box. I.m sure we can all expect some good DLC as well. Also, I hope your time is more valuable to you than only $1 per 6hrs.
It should still be $60 BUT it has to include all of the DLCs since I have a feeling that the DLCs are just cut content again
Eh $60 is fine. If anyone puts more than 50 hours into the game then mathematically that price point is justified
Best I can do is 20$ and this is a risk ! [spoiler]I am Rick Harrison and welcome to my Pawn Shop.[/spoiler]
I would trade one turd for d2. That is all.
A free dlc for d1 to kerp us occupied until the actually made a whole game? Oh sorry that was rise of iron. My bad.
...and not a cent more.
Since it as as much content as some of the previous D1 DLC's... I would say it should cost as much as a single DLC. $30
There is plenty of content to warrant the $60 price tag, the thing is said content isn't useful for very long. Patrol should have a hard mode, that way the activities and such would be worth it.
I hate to say this but yea I can see still paying 60 for D2 even though I stopped playing. As for pc, no it should be lower since it doesn't even have some basic functions that most pc games have.
I think we got a product worth $60.00. Not the perfect product but still worth the price. Besides, what price can you put on avenging the Puppies and raman shops?
I spent 160 and got my moneys worth, it's more of a 60$ game then anything else around atm
By that logic my 25 cent gumball should give me an hour and a half of enjoyment Going to a new movie should be 100ish hours long Get over yourself. I've played hundred plus hours easy. Though not the best game still worth 60$
Can I vote for 60 pound please?
Edited by ravenvelvet: 11/2/2017 7:33:43 PMPersonally, I think Bungievision missed an opportunity to break the mould here. With the "seasons" thing, plus monthly events, plus the bigger dlc content drops, it's clear that Destiny 2 is more of a "lifestyle" game (I really don't like that term). Had they sold it at, say, $70 or equivalent under the premise of base game plus 12 months of extras (inc the two dlcs), that would likely have been an easier pill to swallow. Base game plus monthly events plus seasons plus curse of osiris plus rasputin for the princely sum of $70 *for the year*? I believe we'd likely have seen a bit less salt on the forums*. As it is, Bungievision marketed it as a complete game for sixty bucks and stuck with the expansion pass model, which leaves the players with the feeling that they're getting milked continuously. Or maybe that's just me. Managing customer expectations aint their strong point, that's for sure. * Well aware that the end game / loot / token economy is still badly broken, mind. (Edit for spelling)
Posts like this are why these forums are pure cancer. People are so entitled these days. "I played this game for over 100 hours and it should have been free because it didn't meet my expectations!"
The fact that most people think it should be free is all you need to know about this spoiled, entitled community.
The price it was sold for is fine. I'm not sure a lot of you all understand how much money it takes for people to make games. Sure, D2 is lacking and they screwed the pooch on a lot, but there's still plenty of value to it. Compared to other hobbies, 60 bucks (95 if you're including an expansion pass) is really cheap. Have you checked ammunition prices? Fishing supplies and liscenses? Camping gear? Model cars? Car parts? Those are expensive hobbies. Not to mention, the price of games hasnt gone up as much as other things have in the last decade or two.
The amount of fun i've had with D2 is priceless. I would gladly pay more for the game if i could to show my appreciation and support to bungie. Keep up the good work devs and ignore this toxic forum. In fact, i would appreciate it if you just closed this cesspool down so trolls like lethalviper wouldnt have any meaning to their lives.
It's fine where it is.
I'd say about $60.
You bring up a great topic! Game development has gone up year over year yet the cost of games for the most part have not. This is why developers have turned to alternative business models in order to turn a profit. Trade ins at companies like GameStop etc and buying used don’t help developers one bit, 100% of that money goes to gamestop so developers (manly AAA) look for ways so that we keep the game longer and put more money into it as we go (games as a service model) or we could just pay more upfront but I’m guessing we’d all bitch about that, won’t we.
[quote]I'm voting £1.00 because that's all the 6 Hours that I've played it are worth.[/quote] But according to the numbers you played over 100 hours... Odd. https://destinystatus.com/psn/darran30
Convert to Australian dollars because we are the best people in this world.
6 tokens cut out from your boxes of golden grahams