originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Vorgen, dispose of the girl please. Her heretical suggestions are bothering me."
[i]Gilliam had calmly stated, while the Seneschal had raised his cane in a mock gun fashion.[/i]
"[b]Ave Imperator[/b]"
[i]The Seneschal had said, the voice activation triggering the cane to fire a bolt shell near the girls chest. The bottom of it had popped off naturally of course.[/i]
"Wha-?!" The shell flew through her chest, the girl falling to the ground and onto her back. She was seemingly dead as she just laid there, but no blood spilled out.
"Inspect the body, make sure she is dead." [i]Gilliam had said, pointing to a lone Stormtrooper. The Guardsman walked over to the girl, gingerly poking the body with his Hellgun.[/i]
"Why the hell did you shoot me?" Traci groaned as she sat up, rubbing the wound that vanished before the trooper even got there. "That's not very nice. I just wanna make friends."