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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
11/4/2017 6:02:33 PM

Types of Destiny haters (Which one do you dislike?)







All of them


1. Hates everything about Destiny, doesn't play at all but uses the forums to hate speech more of Destiny. 2. Hates Destiny like crazy, always complains and doesn't give constructive criticism....meanwhile, has 150 hours already logged into Destiny 2 and 1000+ in Destiny 1. 3. Loves playing Destiny but pretends to hate it so he can seem cool in front of others. Personally, number 1 is just a troll and is sometimes funny, especially when people get angry ;)
#destiny2 #Haters

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  • Edited by TSGN Leviathan: 11/6/2017 8:01:58 PM
    I don't hate anyone unless they wrong me personally and in a severe matter. The people who are complaining clearly have not just grievances but also the growing numbers to back up said complaints. Just because you and I disagree does not render them invalid. Though I must admit, despite being very loyal to this game, I am beginning to share those grievances; there is no where near as much to do as their should be. With Destiny 1 I never found myself struggling to find a reason to play. With D2 I often end up changing my mind and putting another game on. And I am what one would probably refer to as a desticle, so if bungie can piss me off, they can piss anyone off.

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    • I like them all 👍

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    • I find topics like these far more annoying. They themselves offer nothing positive or constructive, only serving to: 1. Ridicule those who have issues with the game, something you’re allowed to do, and 2. Create a false positive and circle-jerk. They think that getting rid of people who post negatively about the game, that the overall experience will be better. Far from it, it’s the fastest way to kill a game that has long-term ambitions.

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      • I hate the people that actually played Destiny 1 Year 3 and is fine with how hollow Destiny 2 is

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        • I don’t hate any of them. They are all just people that have been ripped off by bungie...

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        • This game is aids. And the community can suck it too

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        • I'm the one who liked D1's final stage and expected a game, not of the amount of content but at least of the quality of D1-AoT. And then we got a turd without any replayability. Lul.

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        • Edited by ChiefDevilEggs: 11/6/2017 5:55:12 PM
          I'm type 4. Person who loved D1 from beginning to end. Especially the last couple of months. Expected huge things for D2. Upon release realized, this is no where near enjoyable, addicting, or captivating as the first. And I'm just talking about Vanilla D1 here. So I don't wanna hear that argument, "OOOOH you can't compare a new game with an older one with years of content added".Yes I still play D2 a little bit. Why? Because I WANT to love this game. I really do. But it's becoming too difficult with each additional update...

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        • I say if you don't actually play the game, get off the forums. Otherwise if you are a player, and not happy, you have every right to state your opinion.

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        • This game is a major let down so far. I still play because I know it will get better but as of right now i have a hard time playing solo at all. If i hop on and no ones on i don't play. There are no other games that I'm interested in playing either.

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        • I'd say 2, only because of the "doesn't give constructive criticism" part. The rest are fine, because they can provide insightful feedback that could actually improve the game (as long as it's actual feedback and not just stuff like "Destiny sucks" or "this person needs to be fired")

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        • I kinda prefer the second one when it doesn't have "...doesn't give constructive criticism" attached to it. At least they're educated haters well-versed in what they are against. To bring up their hours played just proves how much they know about what they type.

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          • Can you make the same thread but for bungie fanboys? I personally think you’re the kind who gets mad at anyone who posts here without playing the game for 12 hours straight immediately before they comment.

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            • The ones that defend Bungie's outright lies. The ones who blindly follow, throw money at the screen, and defend just plain wrong decisions. They are haters too because with their blind toe licking, they are preventing the game from being improved...

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            • Played D1 from Beta to D2 release. So disappointed in this game hat catagory do I fall in? People don't like being lied too and ripped off and that is what bunghole did to it's fans.

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            • but ur a bungie fanboy, ur the 'calimero' of the community, no one takes u serious and laughs at people like you

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              • everybody seems to hate destiny, besites the current Ps4 rate is 4.5 out of 5... wtf

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              • I hate the ones to say the game is dry but they skip 90% of strike encounters

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                5 Replies
                • 3 is the reason I can no longer get a raid group together to save my life. My buddies have nothing but a good time whenever they're actually playing, but as soon as they're off then this game is suddenly absolute garbage and they'll act like their finger is on the delete button. And then when we actually do manage to get 6 people lined up, a 7th member will get butthurt because after laughing at every attempt we made to get him on board NOW he suddenly wants to do a raid.

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                  • Edited by TheArtist: 11/5/2017 4:45:53 PM
                    I find them all annoying. But moreso numbers 1&2. If you don't like the game stop playing and go play something else. It's like stalking the girlfriend you say you can't stand after you claim to have broken up with her. You don't want her, but then you don't want anyone else to have her either....

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                  • 99% of all the “complaints” on the forums fall into these three and one more. You forgot “what’s everything handed to them so pretends X thing needs bug/nerf”. Like the hunters you don’t like playing like a hunter so they claim it’s underpowered.

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                  • I hate the people who try to control my opinion about we’re my money is spent. It’s my -blam!-ing problem, not ours!

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                  • any of them that don't have an exchange and just call you a fanboy for bringing a point up to them. Followed by the ones who are so dumb that their information is wrong.

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                  • Edited by RoseScythe: 11/5/2017 1:32:15 AM
                    [b]Type 5[/b]: The hater that interprets [i]any[/i] disagreement as fanboyism. [i]Destiny 2 is garbage! Anyone that plays it is an idiot![/i] Umm.. Dude, you have 200 hours logged.. [i]Shut up fanboy, people like you ruin the videogame industry.[/i] ..but, I don't even own D2.. [i]Shut up fanboy, how does Bungie's cock taste?[/i] ..I give up.

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                    • Edited by bFLY: 11/5/2017 4:45:23 AM
                      Type 4. The guy who quits the game, but can't do so without first telling the world about his decision. Long, dramatic, and pointless posts that sound like a 13 year old who just broke up with his first girlfriend.

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                      • I like Ninjas when they Hate Guardians LOL

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