Hope is for players that are new to this franchise that haven't been screwed over the last 3 years. For veterans, it's called "disappointment."
here here
I’m a veteran. And I still have hope for the game. Please don’t just go around speaking for everyone.
How much are you going to have to pay for what should be in the game at launch?
I am perfectly content with the game right now. Sure it would be better with other stuff, but I am currently content with the game right now. And I paid $100 for the deluxe whatever version so $100
Well id rather get my money's worth than preodering something ill never use, like the majority of D2 players right now
Veteran here. I say there's hope. As long as bungie continues improving the system it will all be ok
How much are you going to have to pay for what should be in the game at launch?
Who are you to dictate “what should be there at launch”. You’re not a game designer for Bungie.
I'm a consumer that will never give them money again.
Ok good for you
Yup, good for me. Bad for people like you that don't value their time/money.
I do value my time and money. That’s why I bought Destiny 2. Different people like different things. Not everyone is like you :)
Don't worry, when you grow up and get older you'll realize that you shouldn't settle for tedious mediocrity in life. Until then, enjoy wasting your time and money on a substandard product.
Do you not get it? What you’re saying right now is an opinion. For me Destiny 2 was worth the money I spent on it. I don’t get to play much every day so the content lasts much longer for me than other people
Again, expectations are higher for AAA titles and you shouldn't praise mediocrity. Not when games like Witcher 3 and Horizon Zero Dawn offer more for the same price. I would be happy if I ever felt like I was given a complete experience with Destiny. Yes it's my opinion, but one that is echoed strongly if you read through these message boards. I'm not happy when content that should be in the game is cut and sold later at an additional cost.
Everyone has different likes
People like you are why the games industry is going the direction it is. You accept anything and as Luke Smith eloquently said, "throw money at the screen." You ruin it for everyone else. And by the way, dragonfruit sucks.
I don’t accept everything. In fact, Destiny 2 is kind of disappointing to me. I still enjoy the game though. Btw I don’t like Dragonfruit. I just came up with a random name for psn :)
Well, it's bland and flavorless, just like the games you like. So I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Which is weird because one would think after going through this disappointment thing for three years, D2 wouldn't have been such a big surprise
It was all the hype and the fact we had done everything so much in d1.