I've been with Bungie and Destiny for too long to give up hope, I've been there through the hard times and the good time (that's right, time, cause there was only one, Age of Triumph, best time of Destiny) .
Before anyone says that it's people like me, who's fault it is that D2 is like this, can you honestly say Destiny 1 didn't get better with time? Can you honestly say they didn't make improvements with their content? Can you honestly say you preferred D1 year 1 to D1 year 3, or hell even Year 2?
Bungee has made the most important games of my life... and that's not an easy thing to say. I would not have the friends I had (and have) if not for their games in the early 2000's. Faction Wars is a glimpse of their conceptual prowess I'm sure we'll see more of in the future. I was Future War Cult in Destiny, but I pledge to New Monarchy this go around. If not for the sword, but the philosophy around it. I believe we can rebuild.