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11/9/2017 5:31:51 PM

Story is doo doo...or you just had to play D1 I guess?

I should preface that I know Bungie pretty well, I was a Halo 1-3 fanatic. So I'm familiar with their writing style. It's never been anything exceptional but I didn't think the Halo series was all that bad. Though 343 took over so some things have changed over the last few years. I did not play Destiny 1. I know almost nothing about the game to be honest. My wife bought me D2 as a birthday gift last week for PC, because it's the new hot game and she thought I might like it. Which, I really do like it and am having fun so far. I barely have room to talk because I'm only level 16 and just got to the point where you get back to the farm with Nathan Fillian and Co., but this story is so weak it's almost painful to sit through sometimes. I have absolutely zero connection to any of these characters, and the ghost that accompanies me seems like it's dialogue was written by a teenager. There is absolutely no depth or character development that I can see so far. Not only that, but I have no idea what the hell some of this stuff is. Namely the Traveler which seems to be absolutely essential to the existence of the Guardians. I think I've got the gist of what's it's capabilities are and the function it serves, but wtf is it? Seems like you HAVE to educate yourself if you're new to the series because the rehashing for new players is almost nonexistent, and possibly why I give zero shits about any of these characters. Since almost all of you seem to have played D1, what do you think about the story? Am I right to assume you just kind of had to of played the first one to really get into it?

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  • Edited by EmanuelStevenson: 11/9/2017 10:04:35 PM
    Maybe you don't care about the characters, but I for one feel a very powerful connection with: -Stalwart 1980's police sergeant -Clearly-overpowered mysterious wizard lady -Floating cringelord robo-sidekick -Sassy technobabble scientist guy -Nathan Fillion -Split-personality malfunctioning AI cliché -The Brutes from Halo -Cybernetic John Browning -Guy who can't decide if he wants to be NS, a Commie, a Chinese Emperor, or the creator of Metal Gear Solid -Old British guy with saucy voice -Emo Moses -Engram guy -Yoga Robot -Other engram guy whose actually an old lady -Sloane -"It was Bill Nighy the whole time!?" guy And finally, ethnically-ambiguous female with sniper rifle who can mastermind all sorts of tactics and engineer explosives and has mad hacking skillz and refuses to conform to the status quo and has epic LOL XD quips at the expense of the other characters especially those in positions of authority. Yeah, Suraya's definitely my favourite and her character archetype has never been in any other game or work of fictional media ever before! So what do you mean Destiny's characters aren't good?

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    • No because bungee cut out a lot of lore from d1 so a lot of it no longer exists

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      3 Replies
      • Let's be real here, the story in both games is a thin excuse to go hopping around the solar system killing aliens and collecting loot. That's why Bungie puts minimal effort into it. It does what it needs to for their purposes.

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      • Edited by denton84: 11/10/2017 8:14:54 PM
        Let's be honest here, me like many other are d1 beta morons. We haven't got the slightest clue either, as to what is going on. It's a magic sphere is all we got...sorry Oh and apparently "the stranger" is someone with very little time so if you ever run into her in any future DLC don't expect to be educated about anything. Even though she is our best bet as to what the -blam!- is going on.

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      • The first game only had a small amount of story then a decent one for taken king and ride of iron. The out of game lore for destiny 1 was actually really good at times. it was a lot darker, but let you understand everything, especially the hive so much better then the game did. However the plot only matters to played the first game and dlc and read the lore. guardians had been practically immortal and lived without the slightest fear for hundreds of years, unable to die and incredibly powerful as well as being humanities last hope, then all of the sudden they lose their strength abilities and near immortality in a second.

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      • Edited by AustinSX: 11/11/2017 6:40:04 PM
        You're not missing anything, the game is just that bad. The first game is even worse when it comes to character's personalities and stories.

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      • Yeah story is awful. Once the hype train had finally left you realise that the story is weak. No character development and bungie refuse to tell you anything about the universe you're in. Just force you to ask more pointless questions that they'll never give answers to. It's getting rather frustrating, especially since they've been doing it for three years now.

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      • Hawthorne is unbearable. Her humor is not as clever as the writers think

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      • Edited by l Xemnas: 11/10/2017 1:25:15 PM
        The travler is basically the god that they worship. When it first showed people began living much longer and disease stopped altogether. This ushered earth into "the golden age." Technology improved, people began moving to other planets and began colonizing those planets. Then come the fallen. They originally worshipped the travler as their god and felt that humanity had stolen it from them. So in order to protect itself (and by extension humanity) it created the ghost to seek out fallen people to revive people of potential to defend it. This in turn created the risen. They figured since they couldn't die they became warlords. Eventually new people became risen and they decided to put a stop to the warlords. They called themselves the iron lords, which were the the first of the actual guardians we have now. So all in all traveler created ghost, ghost created guardians, guardians are supposed to defend the tower.

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        3 Replies
        • I mean D2's story is pretty thin but comes off better if you do the adventures as you go. Seems to just assume you know about A LOT of things previously though and doesn't explain itself well. From what I'm gathering of D1's story just always being aware of what's happen, who people you interact with are, what you're doing and why your doing it is a massive leap forward. So baby steps.

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        • Edited by MacSalad: 11/10/2017 1:17:45 AM
          Well the plot was even thinner in D1 than it is in D2. Unless... You read through all the grimoire cards. There was a lot of material there but it just wasn't in the game. D2 feels the same way. There's a ton of lore out there to explore that's pretty interesting. I just can't understand why they wouldn't use more of it in the actual game. My name is Byf has a lot of good lore videos and he actually has a pretty lengthy one that sums up all of D1 you should check it out. Also Beard Grizzly and myelin games have pretty good lore videos also. It's a shame though that lore videos by you tubers can catch you up on lore and get you more excited about the story more than the in game story.

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          • You didn't miss anything. It's just a safe and simple story.

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          • Well there really isn't that much to educate yourself about really. Not trying to sound like a jerk but there isn't. There was a lot of potential in D1, but it was like the writers never communicated. Plot holes, loose ends and poor continuity everywhere. As a D1 player you are not missing much

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          • If you started with a sequel book or movie, instead of reading or watching the first one first, would you be this annoyed with the writers for not recapping the first one in the sequel?

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            2 Replies
            • D1 had barely any story to speak of. D2 had a horribly cliche story that didn't really expand our knowledge of the setting or move the overall story along beyond removing the Red Legion. Both stories sucked

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            • Edited by x AcClaiMz x: 11/11/2017 1:32:06 AM
              The story is awful in d2, but it [i]seems[/i] better because d1's story was non existent. And nah d2's story basically stands alone.

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            • Story is doo-doo. It doesn't rely on D1 story at all. Joe Stanten, the head writer for the studio left the company shortly after D1 was released. Marty O'donnell, the composer for D1 had a rather public departure from the company and The CEO for the company was publicly canned.

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              • What would i give to still have something to do in the game;)... the story is plain and yes I think the dialogs are just a sequence of dumb action movie like phrases with no meaning.. nothing gets explained in the story.. except the obvious.. from what I heard the lore of destiny one was soley explained outside of the game ... somewhat like here.. you can find stuff about it on the web but you will fail trying to find any valuable information about the gameworld ingame...

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              • Edited by WarjackPrime: 11/10/2017 10:28:53 PM
                Compared to Destiny 1 the story campaign is much more fleshed out and informational. I quite enjoyed it. That being said, I've spent a lot of time in Destiny 1 and with outside sources learning more about the Destiny universe. If you just stepped into Destiny 2 then the story probably makes no sense. In that context, Bungie did a terrible job telling the story.

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              • I like the campaign, but not for the story. I just liked the missions. I would like to say that it is definitely a step up from the first game, but I was late to the first game and when I joined everything was streamlined and seemed out of place.

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              • Halo story convinced me destiny would have a good story. I was wrong. The writing is bland. Plot could have worked despite popular belief. But character and story development left it the way it is a mindless task of remedial chores

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              • Destiny 1's story was an incoherent mess. Thankfully though there were far fewer cutscenes and what dialogue was there wasn't nearly as cringe worthy. I've been here since the Taken King in Destiny 1 and I still have zero connection to any characters outside of Cayde, and Ghost, and that's only because I like Nolan North from the Uncharted series. The lore outside of the main story is deep and absolutely fantastic. Dark Souls level of amazing lore. So, my advice is to not care why you're doing what you're doing and just enjoy the fantastic gunplay and set pieces. The next to last story mission is amazing. Then after you wrap up the story, start grinding your way to Power 305 and get ready for Curse of Osiris.

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                3 Replies
                • Edited by PapaHeavy2: 11/10/2017 1:33:15 PM
         Hope this helps. Byf has many videos you could watch to catch up

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                  • You had me at 'doo doo'.

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                  • It's better to not look into destiny's story for destiny 2. Far too much was retconed for the destiny 2 story to make it worth watching videos or looking up the out of game flashcard fragments. You either find destiny 2 dull and unoriginal, or watch it spit on the world the first game established to be dull and unoriginal. [spoiler]But remember, this was marketed as "too much story."[/spoiler]

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                  • There's videos on youtube if you need to know about certain things, also I liked the story because in destiny 1 you had your light the whole time, in this one we experience what it feels light to lose it

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