Hopped onto D2 for the first time in a month to get Guiding Star since I thought it might be interesting to try out if my friends ever start playing this game again.
300 tokens turned in (15 packages) and still no Guiding Star. All I got was the armour (which looks like ass), and a bunch of duplicates of the shitty weapons that were sold last time.
Yeah I remember why I stopped playing this game now.
[spoiler]Bungie for the love of God reintroduce random rolls and let us buy guns from vendors again.[/spoiler]
EDIT: To all the people saying stuff like "it's not that good" or "you're not missing out on much," I appreciate the bumps but you're missing the point. This post isn't really about the Guiding Star, it's about the shitty loot system.
don't worry the guns garbage in the current meta since its more geared towards close ranged, but the second you get close you get last hoped
I feel bad now I got it on my first package and then I got dire promise next
300 tokens isn't that many... really. 15 packages. With rng and the number of items in the faction loot pool. People won't always get everything for every rally. After 60 packages total from both faction rally events still no helmet for my warlock.
Took me 45 dead orbit engrams to get guiding star
not that great...at least not enough to cry about
Should spent the tokens at Chuck-e-Cheese
RNG At it's finest
Rng in destiny sucks. I got mine on my first package. Hope your luck turns around.
Rng in destiny sucks. I got mine on my first package. Hope your luck turns around.
Got all weapons and armor for the first Faction Rally (Warlock = DO, Titan = FWC, Hunter=NM) only ran my Titan on NM for the 2nd faction rally and ignored DO and FWC. Almost walked away without my NM chest but got it on the 28th engram. I got lucky with the rng I suppose. It would make too much sense for them to take out non-faction items. Thanks Bungie.
It shoots faster but also more wildly, so not good for range. Personally, I got like 5 or 6 of them this time (a few the last rally too). Nothing really special I'd say.
Meh, it's nothing too special.
The loot table rotates every 24hours. If you don't get what you want out of the first ten packages, wait till the next daily reset.
Edited by Madman_ddg: 11/14/2017 2:18:40 PM60 packages (2 faction rally's) still the NM helmet didn't drop for my warlock. Funny thing.. did this faction rally for my titan and hunter and got full armor gear for them.....
600 tokens for each faction, got all nm weapons and armor, missing boots for do, and arms for fwc.
Yep, same here. I maxed out future war cult because I wanted that damn pulse rifle. I didn't get it once. Out of 30 packages. 600 tokens. Yeah see ya after the DLC D2.
Why would you want an auto rifle that isnt the best archetype
Cheesers never prosper
you have to max out to 600. the last 150 tokens spits out everything you dont have. almost always. except on helmets for some reason.
I bought 15 lottery tickets and still haven’t won the jackpot. Obviously broken. Please fix.
Don't worry, you're not missing out on much.
It's not good anyway. No matter how many YouTube videos you watch it still sucks. There are better primary auto rifles out there.
Its the end of the rally- did you get it? It melts pretty nicely in pvp and pve alike!
Tookk me 2 characters to finally get it. I cheesed to get that many packages. Not a bad gun, not as good as scathelocke though.
As far as directly buying faction gears, Bungie said they would implement that for season 2 for Iron Banner. It would be cool if they do the same for the Faction Rallies.
Grind 200 tokens only spent 80 to get it. Rng is a b****