"I'm sorry, Sarah. I wish there was something I could do, but there isn't. There's nothing either one of us can do." He took a deep breath. "I won't die on you. I'll be here to help you in anyway I can forever, as my immortal body never ages."
"I don't know if I can believe that anymore," she muttered. She looked, "Guardians... can't permanently die easily."
Bedlam chuckled and winked. "Trust me, I'm even harder to kill permanently. I kind of draw power from conflict, so dying during a fight is very unlikely. I mean, if I get stabbed a few too many times it may take a few weeks for me to reappear, but I won't stay dead." He smiled up at her. "You have my word, Sarah. I'm not going anywhere."
"No wonder my dad married a refugee," she muttered.
"What does that mean?"
"You see, my mom wasn't a guardian. She was a refugee of the Collapse. At least they both acknowledged that she was gonna die and that she only had one life."
"If you think that's better I could always take away my own immortality. I wouldn't mind only having one life if that's what you prefer."
"Actually, don't do that. It's just that, when you're told something enough times and exact opposite happens. It gets... well... infuriating. First guy I dated-- James-- told me that fifty times. After the Replication Chamber incident, well, we argued, and literally fought. People got stabbed. So we ended the relationship. I mean, he turned into real f**king a**hole. He recently perma-died. And he [i]still[/i] bothers me, in spirit form. So glad someone called Ghostbusters on him. Finn, told me he wouldn't die a million times. Next thing I know, perma-dead."
"You could always kill me to see....No wait, don't do that. One. Wouldn't prove much. And two...well, just don't." He sighed. "Maybe I should just say even if I somehow die some day I'll make the time you spend with me worth it. I'll make you as happy as I possibly can."
"Listen. I'm still trying to recover a bit, here. As you said, a lot of s**t happened rapidly. And I need to find some closure."
"Sorry, just trying to be a friend. I'm not too great in these situations." He backed off a little.
"Umm...I can leave you alone here if you want or if you need a shoulder to cry on I can stay, depends on what you want, Sarah."
"Yeah.. leave me alone," she said.
"As you wish, Sarah." Bedlam began walking away from the clearing, hands in his pockets. "Let's go, Lunar. You were right, she needs her space."
"And a lot of it," Lunar said. [spoiler]End?[/spoiler]