Unfortunately the retrieval of deleted characters is not a service Bungie can provide
If you feel your account may have been compromised, it is highly recommended you set up or change your pass key for your account.
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12718]How to keep your account safe[/url]
Edited by Luchion: 11/16/2017 9:57:40 PM@Kellogs I am having issues connecting to Crucible and Strikes. I also noticed that when I zone into the tower there is never any other players around nor are there players on the planets when I am trying to complete public events. Now I can join a fire team and play just fine in any of those instances and there are other players that not only show up in the tower while in the fire team but also on other planets. I do have high latency as I live out in the country and have a satellite internet connection (I know its rough), but I am able to play other games like WoW and PUBG just fine with no connection issues at all. I have been trying to research everything I can to try and fix the problem. Do you have any advice you can offer me or some way I can fix this? PLEASE HELP!! I love this game and had no problems before this is just starting to happen to me.