Looking to join a friendly clan, doesn’t need to be a raid clan but would be nice! Still new to Destiny 2 but looking to raid and do all weekly. Already level 20.
I’m on PC/NA and have Discord available.
Honestly, these other clans don't even understand.... come join Worse Than Failures, where the memes are dank and the tryhards are sweaty. We are an NA/PC clan freshly juiced straight from the clan factory, we have members across most light levels with our highest 300+. We're looking for more members mostly for raids, crucible, shenanigans and above all to have fun. So if you're interested you can apply here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2740095 we also have a slick discord ;) https://discord.gg/pvU3AqA Any questions you can message me :)