Looking to join a friendly clan, doesn’t need to be a raid clan but would be nice! Still new to Destiny 2 but looking to raid and do all weekly. Already level 20.
I’m on PC/NA and have Discord available.
Knight's Blade is recruiting! We are a new clan made up with mostly friends and family. We have high experience in Destiny 1 and 2. Currently, we are looking for anyone to fill our clan to increase our membership. We focus on fun! PVE and PVP content. That includes Raids, Strikes, Nightfalls, World events, the Crucible and everything inbetween.....If you are interested and want to give us a shot then apply. How do you join? 1. Join Knight's Blade by using the following link https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2875600 2. Join our Discord to join fire teams and make new friends. https://discord.gg/WE9JEhJ