Hi dear community,
I roughly think that the most of the people that "hate" out there, without any single constructive feedback, about the DLC (or the raid lairs) know what it actually takes to develop such a big ass raid.
Like have you done well coded programming before? Modelling? Animating? Sound effects? Mapping?
I'm not trying to defend this game, it's more that I wanna say that you should think about the people behind the game, in the studios. They're just normal people like you and me and they use their time to develop you guys something to play, have fun and enjoy. And after that they get hated to death with nonsense hating? How would you feel as a developer? And obviously it's gonna cost you something, would you code hundreds of hours, if not even thousands of hours for free?
As a developer myself, I can tell you, it's not easy, it takes a damn lot of time and effort. And after that we'd love a "thank you" instead of a "f**k you".
Not saying you should love the game completely after this, but understand the work that has been put in.
[b]This had to be said:[/b] At least some respect to the developers, designers & co. would be appreciated, instead of all the braindead-hating. Everyone has their opinion, but think about it, before shouting it.
[i]Thank you for your time
Lots of love for the community & the workers
Don Diablo[/i]
Edited by MidknightRooster: 11/16/2017 11:32:45 AMWhat gets me is all the people that say, "Well D1 took 3 years, so give D2 time." Bungie had a long, thought-out blueprint on what was the Right thing to do, and the deeper I look into D2, the more we realize, they straight up scrapped that blueprint. It just looks like they didn't even bother to build on the successes of D1. The only thing in D2 that I can definitely say without second thought that was a legitimate upgrade.....is patrol. I'm trying so hard to find a reason for the rest of these changes, and all I can think of was that it was just for the sake of being different. Not actually to be better. And it seriously bums me out because Destiny was the only reason I even had a PS4 in the first place. I desperately wanted to like D2. At this point I'm in it to stay mainly because Ive put too much money into this franchise to back out now lol. (and I really love the lore videos on YouTube)
[quote]Hi dear community, I roughly think that the most of the people that "hate" out there, without any single constructive feedback, about the DLC (or the raid lairs) know what it actually takes to develop such a big ass raid. Like have you done well coded programming before? Modelling? Animating? Sound effects? Mapping? I'm not trying to defend this game, it's more that I wanna say that you should think about the people behind the game, in the studios. They're just normal people like you and me and they use their time to develop you guys something to play, have fun and enjoy. And after that they get hated to death with nonsense hating? How would you feel as a developer? And obviously it's gonna cost you something, would you code hundreds of hours, if not even thousands of hours for free? As a developer myself, I can tell you, it's not easy, it takes a damn lot of time and effort. And after that we'd love a "thank you" instead of a "f**k you". Not saying you should love the game completely after this, but understand the work that has been put in. [b]This had to be said:[/b] At least some respect to the developers, designers & co. would be appreciated, instead of all the braindead-hating. Everyone has their opinion, but think about it, before shouting it. [i]Thank you for your time Lots of love for the community & the workers Don Diablo[/i][/quote] Nobody is asking for "new" stuff, we're asking for all the good improvements made in d1 that were suddenly lost in d2
I can guarantee it would not be this way had Bungie not scrapped all the good things that ended up in D1. They made a major mistake. It does not matter if this game was started and developed shortly after D1 Vanilla. Through the D1 lifetime, they should have been checking in to see what was working and what was not and adjusted accordingly. Hell, Luke Smith is credited for TTK. He couldn't take those lessons learned to the D2 team which it sound like he was leading at the same time? No, Bungie brought this on themselves.
I would give them respect if they didn't make such a horrible game.
lol, "I'm not trying to defend this game". The problem is that the team is capable of great things and we have seen it in D1 Y3 so what's the excuse for this game? They had the recipe for success and they just shot themselves in the foot for no reason. Players are dropping from this game like flies and nobody is doing anything about it. There is no logical reason D2 should be in the negative state that it is in. Hell! at this point I would of been happier if D2 was just another damn expansion for D1 it would of been better. That would've been even less work for the team.
Edited by Cobravert: 11/17/2017 12:15:30 AMYou know what? I am not a game developer, programmer, model maker, whatever. And no, I have NO idea what it takes to develop anything for a game. You know why? I shouldn't have to. Being a professional in business for decades what I do know is that you don't sell your customers on what you can not deliver. If you don't have the time, talent, resources, what have you, you don't make something as a half developed, watered down, shell of what you promised to deliver - TWICE, and stay in that business very long. Your customer base will only take so much for so long. Even the most committed customers have their breaking point.
I'm sure that daylight office job is really rough 🙄
Instead of defending overpaid hacks at bungo you should be saying they don't know how hard the average person works for their money that most feel was wasted on a trash game
Honestly, I don’t think most people are upset at the entire team. They have developed a few “big bad lead guys” in their minds, Luke Smith or whoever, and they throw their hate at them. Mostly, because D2 changed a lot of things they had already gotten right in D1. Everyone could complain in a different way, but honestly, the game was reviewed well, and the people who do the work on Destiny prob NEVER come in here haha.
Personally, I have no complaints with the individual studio workers. The ones who's names you completely gloss over or mash the close button to get off the screen during the credits. What I have a problem with is Activision (or Activision and Bungie) and their budgeting and cost management. Why can companies like Bethesda and Naughty Dog put out such in depth and immersive content for about the same price tag as what we get for Destiny 2? It's not the base employees, it's probably not even the creative leads. It's the company itself. You can make a bigger, better game. You just have to ease up on the profit margin and put more $$ into the game. Not to mention how much of that advertising campaign that could have went to adding content....
Edited by shirley timple: 11/16/2017 4:02:52 PMIt's not about development time. Its about taking any and all avenues that award end game gear and dumbing them down so the thumbless casual babies won't feel left out despite them being scrubs. This is a complete slap in the face to the hardcore crowd, the very players that (formerly) keep this game alive
If i could, I would -blam!-ing hug you right now bro.
Edited by Prae: 11/16/2017 4:07:33 PMI understand but when I’m paying hundreds of dollars for this, I mean at least try? And yes I have experience in coding programs.
Also a developer, and a game developer at that. There is much reused stuff here. Most of the new content is permuting the same content. The modeling and art, continues to be exceedingly impressive. Bungie has soooo many talented artists. But the development is where it's a little weird.
Projekt Red disagrees
I haven't worked in development, but have done Tech Support in the gaming industry, so I just wanted to say thank you for your work. It does take time, and effort. And something folk don't understand is that a a development copy or testing copy of a game, is different than the production copy of a game. A bug may not exist in the development copy/testing copy, but does in the production copy. And once a new game is launched, it's played more ways in 1 hour than a testing team could ever hope to test for. So in conclusion, thank you.
I get that your job is hard. Most jobs are hard. But when people are paying good money for a product and get a pile of poo or 1/4 of what is expected, people are going to get mad. Destiny 1 LOVED to recycle crap that you saw 1203801238 times. NEW STRIKE COMING....wait this looks familiar....it's the same damn strike but BACKWARDS. Yeah, you get the hint. You take the rage people are already feeling toward 2 due to the devs taking so much of what people loved in 1 and throwing it out the window and keep pushing it for the expansions.
I agree. As a developer also, I consistently see a lack of understanding of what it takes to do software and game development. I can't blame anyone, they just don't know. Players think Bungie has unlimited development resources and should be able to fix anything by tomorrow. It doesn't work that way. Something that appears to be a simple fix isn't always a simple fix. Even if it was, code changes have a process they have to go through and it takes time. Since Bungie doesn't have unlimited development resources, players needs to realize all development work is prioritized so the most important items get done first. A player may think their problem is important, but an understanding of the prioritization process is needed. A couple of key items is how many players does a problem affect and are there any workarounds. The fewer the players affected and the more or better workarounds, the less priority any one thing has. An example is all the calls for LFG like options in the game. I'm certain it's not a high priority because of all the sites like LFG and the100.io. Bungie likely considers those sites viable workarounds so the priority on adding it to the game is low. If those sites didn't exist, then the priority would be higher.
I'm not mad at the devs. I mad at some of the design choices. Surely they had to think about what they were coding before they coded it, but what do I know? I have no idea what it takes to create new stuff.
Edited by magburner: 11/16/2017 3:42:40 PMLuke Smith Smurf account. [quote]Like have you done well coded programming before? Modelling? Animating? Sound effects? Mapping? [/quote] Have you? This is their job, they are game Developers. Any one of us Guardians could come up with a raft of great ideas to help improve this game. Why is it suddenly so difficult for the developers to do much the same, when they have the resources and the manpower to do pretty much anything that they want? Besides, the debate is not about lines of code, but decisions made at what ever level, to turn a much loved franchise, into this steaming pile.
I'm not hating on the devs, i'm just considering if their offering is worth the asking price. For me i would think that without a raid I'd barely play the dlc, and thus wouldn't be worth 20 euro to me. If a raid would take them longer to develop, they should take longer.
You realize people PAY right Destiny its dlcs are not free so... Why is this post here I understand that making games are hard but you don't mention anywhere that people pay for games so why should I care that you are a dev?
The waitress brought the wrong food out and took another 40 mins before she came back...with the wrong food again. It's fine though, its hard to be a waitress.
He speaks with reason, lets lynch him!
A much needed shout out to the every day ladies and dudes who create this stuff. However the problems with D2 are above their pay grade for sure.
Edited by Shirtless_Captain_Kirk: 11/16/2017 4:18:38 PM[quote]Hi dear community, I roughly think that the most of the people that "hate" out there, without any single constructive feedback, about the DLC (or the raid lairs) know what it actually takes to develop such a big ass raid. Like have you done well coded programming before? Modelling? Animating? Sound effects? Mapping? I'm not trying to defend this game, it's more that I wanna say that you should think about the people behind the game, in the studios. They're just normal people like you and me and they use their time to develop you guys something to play, have fun and enjoy. And after that they get hated to death with nonsense hating? How would you feel as a developer? And obviously it's gonna cost you something, would you code hundreds of hours, if not even thousands of hours for free? As a developer myself, I can tell you, it's not easy, it takes a damn lot of time and effort. And after that we'd love a "thank you" instead of a "f**k you". Not saying you should love the game completely after this, but understand the work that has been put in. And the Bungie studio isn't as big as Activion's or EA's studios. [b]This had to be said:[/b] At least some respect to the developers, designers & co. would be appreciated, instead of all the braindead-hating. Everyone has their opinion, but think about it, before shouting it. [i]Thank you for your time Lots of love for the community & the workers Don Diablo[/i][/quote] Hi, I know what it takes and this shit is inexcusable. Ive done a good deal of game design myself. Stop being an apologist. That's like saying "Well it's really hard to be an accountant, so it's not that big of a deal that my accountant lost all my savings. We need to be understanding so STFU."" All the shit that takes time and is difficult such as art and level design, Bungie does very well. It's everything else they -blam!- up. It's pretty obvious you have no experience or you would be aware of this fact. GTFO with that shit. This isn't an excuse. Analyze it all you want man. The fact is a video game needs to be fun and due to Bungie's business decisions ABOUT game design, not game design itself is why the game is not fun anymore.