I think the issue is with the fundamental attitude that Bungie is bringing to the table, how that bleeds through into the game, and how that affects the players. It's not like "Man, I wish there were X number of things to do instead of Y!" It's, "Bungie had a working model of a good game in Destiny Y2 and Y3 and then [b]removed[/b] large portions of that working model and replaced them with things that do not work."
Destiny is modeled well. It sounds phenomenal. If the game was just judged on its aesthetics, smoothness, and general programming quality, there's no doubt that we'd not have see the backlash that we've seen. But it's severely lacking in meaningful content. Let me emphasize that word: [b]meaningful[/b]. I have no doubt that the programmers put in a lot of hard work, and I'm glad they did. But the leadership's decision about where they want to take the game is not reflective of that hard work, and that is the target of the bulk of the criticism that is being levied against Bungie. Direction, not methods.
Very well said.