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Destiny 2

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11/17/2017 6:01:01 AM

Why all the hate?

[i]So I'm curious...[/i] If you were to have one major grievance with Destiny 2, or the franchise as a whole, what would you want Bungie and Activision to address? Is it the lore? Gameplay? Multiplayer and Co-Op? Releases and DLC? Silver and Microtransactions? I see a lot of complaints, but not any supporting reasons why people think Destiny 2 fails as a game. So why all the bitching with no real criticisms included? What would you change, Guardians? [spoiler][i]Also, rather than complaining, try real constructive criticism. Way back in year one of Vanilla Destiny, I wrote a post about how the factions were basically meaningless and how it would be cool to see faction-specific gear and shaders, and that those additions would make factions a valuable game component. Lo and behold, those suggestions came through. Food for thought.[/i][/spoiler]

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  • Edited by PJ__Bottoms: 11/17/2017 9:39:40 AM
    It's simple, immature attitudes and massive entitlement. Destiny 2 isn't the game these Destiny 1 players wanted, so they throw tantrums and make shitposts. These are the people who apparently threw fits in the toy store when they didn't get what they wanted, and their parents gave in. They are upset because the game wasn't custom-tailored to their specific wants, hence, childlike butthurt ensues. Although if Bungie gave us a game that was just like Destiny 1, these same people would be crying over how it "could have just been an expansion and I want all my D1 stuff back." Also it's cool and trendy to hate on the game currently. I'm sure that's what all these kids are talking about at their school lunch table everyday. God forbid you say you enjoy the game even if you think it has glaring issues but can overlook them, or these same people label you the "Bungie Defense Force." I mentioned in one thread that I was enjoying the game playing with the new clan I joined, and one guy literally replied saying I was delusional, lol. That's how out of touch with reality these people are. it also occurs to me some of these people crying loudest played Destiny 1 religiously and hardly touched any other games, and Bungie just threw a wrench in their custom-built bubble lives with something different they weren't expecting. That or they never actually played a REALLY bad game before. I pre-ordered D2, have been playing on PS4 since day one, and also went through the "this kind of sucks" phase coming from D1. But then I found positive people to play with, and started having lots of fun again. Heck I even pre-ordered the Horizon Zero Dawn story expansion that released last week and still haven't touched it due to hopping on Destiny 2 (and I don't even touch PVP in this game much either) Plus even if I didn't play it anymore I definitely got my moneys worth in value of entertainment. I've been playing well over a month now. Some games I've paid $60 for I've beaten in 4 days and never touched again. South Park Fractured But Whole took 20 total hours to beat. I have almost 200 hours logged in Destiny 2 already. How can I seriously sit here and complain I want a refund or I didn't get my moneys worth? I guess I would feel differently if I was a kid who had to beg for mommy's credit card for a game, then turns out I didn't like it after I bought it. You also have to consider the fact that these kids think a few thousand people whining on the forums, a few youtubers, and some game news sites still represent the "majority" when more than a couple hundred thousand still log in regularly to play the game and consider it "failing. They have no idea how game populations work, or that the number of people who log in daily is still leaps and bounds better than most popular games. Top 3 games on Steam are PUBG @ 1.5million, then DOTA 2, and CounterStrike GO at less than 400k. Warframe on pc only gets 44k. That's the game everyone wants you to go play instead, the one with 44k instead of 600k. Seriously. Now I'm sure this post will get downvoted by the masses of butthurt, and I'll be called a Bungie shill or the like as well. ;)

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