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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/17/2017 2:17:02 PM
223 [b][i]The Trees Have Eyes...[/i][/b] [b][i]Afternoon, Dojo Forest[/i][/b] [b][i]The sound of a rifle going off was heard, as a deer in the woods fell dead. Three hunters walked over to it, one smoking a cigar as he did. He looked at his kill, laughing a bit as there was a hole straight through the eye.[/i][/b] Smoker: "Dead shot perfect, as always." [b][i]He said bragging to his friends[/i][/b] Hunter #1: "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Cmon, grab the antlers so we can continue." [b][i]He said, as the third hunter, easily the youngest of the bunch of males, cut off the antlers and put them in a bag. The smoker stood up, as the three walked off, leaving the kill there. But they should've known the saying "The trees have inquisitive eyes"[/i][/b] [b][i]The sun was beginning to set as they moved, not yet using flashlights to guide their way. As they walked, they chatted about other kills, the price antlers would fetch, as they came across a small sapling. The smoker laughed, coughing a bit as he walked over to it, crouching down.[/i][/b] Smoker: "Hey, watch this." [b][i]He said, putting his cigar to the tree as it began to catch alight. Soon, the tree was burning and became nothing more than charcoal. The three laughed, as the began to walk once more. But they stopped, a presence washing over them. They should've remembered the saying "The trees have inquisitive eyes"[/i][/b] [b][i]Vines snaked across the ground towards them, moving along the highest branches of trees as well, as the theee stopped, looking around. The smoker reached for his rifle, but vines pinned it to the ground. They were lifted by their legs by vines, being dangled from a tree as a figure approached. It's form was like a woman, though made of wood and vine, claws for hands. It spoke to them, its voice raspy and feminine.[/i][/b] Dryad: "You should not disrespect nature. It could have quite dire consequences." [i][b]It said as it moved around them, inspecting them. One went to speak, but the Dryad let out a growl to silence him. As another reached for its pistol, it noticed it was snatched, What looked like some naturally made satyr having snatched their weapons. The Dryad spoke to the three again.[/b][/i] Dryad: "Those who have done nothing wrong but witness these crimes here today, by happy Gaia is a forgiving Mother. She shall spare you torment..." [b][i]The vines released them, dropping them to the ground as they took off running.[/i][/b] Dryad: "As for you..." [b][i]She said looking to the final one.[/i][/b] "Gaia demands life given for life taken." [b][i]He was dropped from the tree, only to have his neck ensnared by a vine. It constructed around him, crushing his neck as he now dangle their from the tree. He would be a warning to others.[/i][/b] [b][i]To outsiders of the situation, the Dryad would look to be in her true form. It was a human female, her skin the colour of redwood, her black hair in short dreadlocks, tied back into a somewhat ponytail behind her head. A mask covered her face as her body appeared to be free of tattoos. Her upper chest was only covered by a wrap of leather, covering her breasts fully and a bit above the gut, a band around her left arm with three small bones on it. Her lower half were covered by woven pants, stopping about midway on the calf to reveal the coverings on the lower leg made of leather and wrapped with dark brown linen to stay on. They came under the sole of her bare feet like a stirrup would. The same kind of covering could be seen on her hands, as she wore claw like gloves. Two spikes sat on her hips as her weapons, with a bow on her back. She turned after giving punishment, not sure where she was.[/i][/b] [spoiler]open. Meet Daun, the Shaman.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]either will do[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Apple: 11/17/2017 8:37:41 PM
    A young female seemed to be watching this all unfold, while hanging upside down from a tree, her legs locking her in place so that gravity would not pull her straight down to the ground. Being able to watch someone die was a rare opportunity, but one she took pride in enjoying nonetheless, with how sick and twisted she was. She giggled slightly, making it audible, so that the female would notice her here. "What's the matter...? Not a fan of watching things wither and burn? It's no fun to have everything live... Things must die, and die in painful ways, as the world wills it, or whatever you call them. Gaia? Hah, supporting the great above isn't fun, at all! Plus, just watching things writhe and suffer... Do you find no enjoyment in that?" She tauntingly lit a black fire within her hand, putting it within inches of causing a whole forest fire, while not putting it close enough to actually start one. She was being a tease, in a situation where she could probably get killed for doing so, should it go wrong, yet she seemed fine daring to piss off the Shaman.

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  • [b][i]The branch of a tree slapped her on the back of the head. Not enough to do any real damage, but she'd feel it.[/i][/b] "Everything must die, that is true. We've had this conversation before. Things have a time to die, a natural time, and they will pass back to Gaia Mother then." [b][i]She said, turning to the young girl. The shaman got a bit annoyed with her on occasion, but st this point It was nice just to see a familiar face.[/i][/b] "As for joy, no. I derive no joy from killing, but from protecting. And I assure you, serving Gaia can be fun at times. She is strict in worship, but she bestows great power to those who do."

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  • "Watch it with the slaps, god. You made me actually almost burn down your precious forest! You know, I wouldn't have cared... But what would Gaia have said if you started a forest fire~?"

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  • "Before you got the chance It would've been put out. And it wouldn't have been my fault, you were the one playing with Fire." [b][i]She said grinning under the mask a bit as she dismissed the Forest Guardian.[/i][/b]

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  • "Eh, whatever." Was her reply. Usually a sign that she'd given up arguing and just accepted her loss, though she'd never say that. She jumps off the tree, and walks up to the man dangling dead from the vines, chuckling. "What's the matter, just hanging around?" She jokes, laughing. Trust her to make fun of the dead, "You're done with this one right, Daun?"

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  • "He has paid his debts. Yes, I am. I'd say to leave his body to suffer the same fate as the deer that he killed, but I trust you aren't going to let that happen?"

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  • "You think I'd pass up the opportunity? They keep telling me to leave the living alone, and stop killing people... So, in return for easing my murderous ways, I think it's only fair you leave me to do whatever I choose with the corpses you make, instead." She says, as she's already hacking off the dead guy's arm.

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  • [b][i]The vine dropped the man, slithering back into the forest like some kind of snake.[/i][/b] "Or you could just not murder people?" [b][i]She says, shaking her head.[/i][/b]

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  • "It would take a hell of a lot of willpower to get me to stop killing people, y'know. Don't think that's an option. The thrill it gives me is just too good for me to stop! It's like an addiction..." She says.

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  • "Any addiction can be broken. Though who am I to tell you what to do? I'm just the crazy tribal woman." [b][i]She says laughing a bit, her head snapping g to the side as she thought she heard something. Daun was a bit strange, acting more bestial than many. She said she was cursed to.[/i][/b]

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  • Zenia simply tuned her out, now, having gotten rather into the "art" of messing with corpses, in all kinds of different ways. Now, in this particular situation, she was rather tame, for her standards, simply hacking off body parts, and rearranging them, as if trying to build a mutant, without being able to put any of the parts together. Though, in the past, she'd been caught doing much more disturbing things, like the time she was caught using two corpses to roleplay a relationship with domestic abuse, or the time she was under serious fire for an act of necrophilia to an extent I'd keep secret, just to leave it all to the imagination.

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  • "Have you seen and of the others? The paladin or the barbarian?" [b][i]She asked. She was wondering where the rest of their little motley crew was. As for the body, well she had already seen much worse, this didn't really bother her too badly[/i][/b]

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  • "Nah, they're somewhere else. Why ask... Just spend some time with me, instead!"

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  • "We need to make sure they're ok. Without them, you'd have been locked up for many murders throughout the past. You kind of owe them."

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  • She sighs. "I mean, I guess I kind of do, but do I really have to...?" She complains, whining slightly in her voice, like a child, "I'm sure they're just fine..."

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  • "Not yet, but we will have to."[b][i] She said, the tone not really affecting her.[/i][/b] "Like I said, we owe it to them. Plus there really the only friends we have."

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  • Edited by Apple: 11/17/2017 10:14:09 PM
    "Yep. The lonely outcasts. But, who can blame the people for ignoring us? You're a creepy nature girl, and I'm a full blown murderer and psycho..."

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  • [b][i]She growled a bit at the j duly, though she couldn't deny it. She spoke[/i][/b] "No, you can't. Though it does feel nice to be back in the forest instead of a city again. Back in my environment."

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  • Zenia simply sighed. " least you have one."

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  • "We are all born into different strokes of luck." [b] [i]She said. An spirit owl appeared on her shoulder, as she sent it to search the area[/i][/b]

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  • "But why was I born doomed to be the way I am now...?"

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  • "You aren't. If you try, you can change who you are. I was cursed to act like a beast for all my life. To crawl on all fours and hunt like a feral wolf. I've managed to mostly restrain it. You could do the same."

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  • "'s never just gonna be that simple. If only it was. I could beg, and beg, and plead with myself to make sure it never happens again... But in the end... I'll just be like this forever..."

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  • "Then is it better to never try to better yourself? One should always strive to improve. Perfection is impossible, but that's no reason not to attempt it."

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