I respect your right to play the game as you want, but PLEASE stop joining into the higher level missions. I had a mr 5 join into the 40-60 bounty with a rank 0 zephyr which made it incredibly hard for our group to complete it smoothly because we had to keep reviving him after every bombard or ogma came along. I'm also seeing mr 1 players trying to do these bounties as well.
Same thing with Eidolon hunts. There are major dps checks in that fight and it requires the whole team to pitch in (without a self dmg chroma with an opticor/sniper). I get you want to fight the big bad of the update, but you need properly forma'd and modded gear first. It just angers the people trying to farm the night before they have to wait again.
The only way you should be doing these is with a high mr friend. My team did it with an mr 5 because his friend asked us if it was cool if he tagged along. That is okay. Joining into a team that is wanting to cap an Eidolon and then surprising them with the fact that you are using a rank 15 Paris mk-1 is a waste of everyone's time.
Sorry for the rant, just had to get this off my chest.
Edit for clarification: This is strictly for Eidolon hunt groups or top tier bounties that are forming in either clan, alliance, or recruiting chat.
> sees post two days ago "meh this guy didnt need to post this..." > plays today and lose specifically because of MR 2 and 5. "alrighty now...." Seriously. There are 24 hrs within a day. Time is scarce. Losing 3 bounties today sucks. One of those times i literally spawned in seconds before a fail. I was assisting and protecting the MR 2 that i didn't notice the final tier bounty was a "kill enemies and save hostage with bomb on him". I rushed over as fast as a rhino prime could and saw my teammates are friggn tickling the 3 enemies that were there. literally the MR 5 was spamming a hikou (that was probably not even leveled). I sniped the 3 with one second to spare but missed the friggn vest :( failed at tier 5. Triggered. Oh and I couldn't kill last three fast because they were at the top of the mountain and I had no firing angle until the last 5 seconds. My fault for putting faith in the team but come on man. MR 2 frost prime. I gave him shit about thinking he can go end game without modding and he started ranting about my mom. The audacity. I cant believe anyone would ever shit-talk a magnificent rhino prime.