First of all I will consider Destiny 1 as it is in current state, this means dlc included.
Destiny 2 has many improvements but if a person comes from playing Destiny 1 to Destiny 2... why should he keep playing Destiny 2?
It is soo poor on content, your Guardian does not even speak(Unlike Destiny 1)!
Nobody refers to you or to any group of Guardians who accomplished Heroic Feats like killing Orix or discovering and unlocking the Vault of Glass etc, zero f0cks are given! No memoire to this great accomplishments...
Now we come to the weapons... where the hell are the other weapons gone? Why should DESTINY FREAKING 2 have less weapons than Destiny 1? Oh wait is it like Destiny 0.5 and you added some Cabal story to it? And then you though "oh well maybe we should not let this be a DLC but rather make a new game".
You have been backed by Activision you cooperate with Blizzard.... watch and learn from The Witcher series, Mass effect, Fallout, they did massive improvements by each game, AND THE GAME BEFORE ACTUALLY INFLUENCED IN SOME WAY THE WORLD IN THE SEQUELS.
You had 3 years... 3, you are not some call of duty fifa sh!t that comes every year out NO, 3 years to develop this game, which I enjoy! Every week... for 4 hours, then I can go to sleep again because there is no point doing much else.
This game does not feel like a sequel, more like a Destiny 1.5 with some gameplay improvements and a new story... oh wait, not even that because of all the weapons and gear wich are not present anymore!
I bet you will realease gradually new weapons so that you can see a spike in player number at each release, but those players after one, 2 hours will likely drop the game again!
Did we or did we not pay for a triple AAA game bloody 60 Euros and more for the deluxe edition???
You mean destiny 1.5?